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Who Needs The Onion When You Have Hugh Hewitt?

Don’t worry folks, the reality distortion field surrounding Hugh Hewitt and other “conservative” Republican apologists is still holding strong:

The long and short of this bad but not horrific night was that majorities must act like majorities. The public cares little for the “traditions” of the Senate or the way the appropriations process used to work. It demands results. Handed a large majority, the GOP frittered it away. The chief fritterer was Senator McCain and his Gang of 14 and Kennedy-McCain immigration bill, supplemented by a last minute throw down that prevented the NSA bill from progressing or the key judicial nominations from receiving a vote. His accomplice in that master stroke was Senator Graham. Together they cost their friend Mike DeWine his seat in the Senate, and all their Republican colleagues their chairmanships. Senator McCain should rethink his presidential run. Amid the ruins of the GOP’s majority there is a clear culprit.

Yes, that’s right, the overwhelming Republican losses are all John McCain’s fault. Did Bush’s blundering in Iraq have anything to do with it? Not at all! Did the House Republican’s unwillingness to discipline people like Cunningham, Ney, DeLay, and Foley have anything to do with it? No way, man! Is it because congressional Republicans have spent money like it’s going extinct? Heck no! It’s all because of McCain, his passionate love of illegal immigrants, and, of course, the international underground Zionist homosexual mainstream media Rice-a-Roni-eating cabal.

But don’t worry, friends. There’s still some good news!

President Bush will not flag in the pursuit of the war, and Senator Santorum is now available for a seat on the SCOTUS should one become available.

That’s Justice Santorum, to you! Of course, some of Hewitt’s commenters aren’t as, uh, optimistic:

Everybody get your Koran and Burqas. America’s end is near. Our government is now securely in the hands of Liberal TRAITORS and our borders will be ransacked. Our nation will be overrun with Mexicans and terrorists financed and trained by Chavez and possibly also Daniel Ortega. What a great time for America to lose the Global War on Terror. The patients are runing the Asylum! God SAVE US! The terrorists will be on CNN and FNC tomorrow celebrating in the streets with DEATH TO AMERICA chants shooting their AK47’s. They will be emboldened by this victory to swell their ranks and step up the slaughter of inocent Americans everywhere ESPECIALLY here in the next 6 months or so after we pull out or troops. It’s over, y’all. Go home, get on your knees, and pray to God for His mercy. Be especially prepared to meet Him soon.

Actually, I’m already covered since I received my complimentary Koran and Burqa in the mail after I voted for Kerry in 2004.

To be serious for a moment: A Democratic majority in the House and (probably) Senate is probably a good thing if you’re libertarian-minded. Not that the Democrats are good on many of the issues– in fact, Pelosi’s views on gun control and social security reform are enough to make anyone interested in limited governance openly weep. But there is a strong potential for healthy gridlock and, no matter what negative things they bring to the table, the Dems will at least provide a check on Executive power that is sorely needed. Additionally, the slim majority in the Senate will depend on moderate Democrats who are more sensible on important issues like the Second Amendment (see: Webb, James).

  1. Timothy says:

    I don’t think anyone sane could describe former Senator Frothymixture as a “moderate”.

  2. Doomscheissah says:

    The Republicans have a chance to clean out their closet and return to principles that made them better.

    It’s going to take a lot of work, though.

    And damn, am I glad that Chafing senator is gone. What a moron!

  3. Niedermeyer says:

    I seem to remember Santorum caucusing with the douchebags… powerfull caucus, that.

  4. Andy says:

    Santorum was a neocon?

  5. Olly says:

    “Everybody get your Koran and Burqas. America

  6. Shadow says:

    Hey, just what the republicans needed, house cleaning of the moderate neo cons out of office.

  7. Ian says:

    To be fair, having both Barney Frank and Rick Santorum on the bench would make the SCOTUS quite a bit more entertaining.

  8. T says:

    Justice Santorum? Riiiiight. That would go over splendidly. We all remember when Clinton appointed Chief Justice Barney Frank, right?

  9. T says:

    I called Ian earlier at his job and he was reading this shit. This poses a question: What horrible, horrible job would lead a man to read such mind-obliterating garbage as a means of diversion?

  10. Niedermeyer says:

    I also nearly interrupted a student senate meeting after reading that last Hewitt quote. Ian, you brought me the greatest gift of all: laughter amidst the tedium of ADFC’s benchmark approval hearing.

  11. Niedermeyer says:

    Jonah Goldberg put it best a ways back:

    “But what would actually happen? Well, the first thing we

  12. Niedermeyer says:

    For Festivus I’m sending George Bush a membership in Pfizers “Anti-anxiety drug of the Month” club. It’s gonna be a stressfull couple of years…

  13. Timothy says:

    For Festivus I’m sending George Bush a giant VETO stamp.

  14. Sho says:

    There is a lot of good to be said for gridlock in government, however, as Reason’s Julian Sanchez notes, all it takes is cooperation between moderates of both parties and you’ve got “bipartisanship” for better or for worse.

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