What A Cox
November 30th, 2002 by BretI missed this, as others may have. Libertarian Tom Cox wrote to the Oregonian about ways Mannix could’ve used Libertarians to assault Kulongoski’s left flank and run a smarter campaign. Interesting read.Bret
Archive for November, 2002What A CoxNovember 30th, 2002 by BretI missed this, as others may have. Libertarian Tom Cox wrote to the Oregonian about ways Mannix could’ve used Libertarians to assault Kulongoski’s left flank and run a smarter campaign. Interesting read.Bret November 30th, 2002 by TimothyIf you have to be held hostage by bees, this is the place to do it Eugene Makes DrudgeNovember 29th, 2002 by BretAn anti-war letter signed by Eugene City Councilors hit the web’s biggest portal. If anyone is interested, most experts would not call Eugene’s effort to portray the area as reasonable, happy place to live a complete success.Bret November 29th, 2002 by wwbCARELESSLY REPEATING SLANDER
Sen. Byrd: Democrat. Leftist.
Man Beats NatureNovember 26th, 2002 by TimothyMan Defeats Nature film at 11. The Fucking NYT …November 26th, 2002 by BretOffers the “results” of a poll that shows Bush doesn’t have a mandate and shouldn’t overreach his policies. While they freely offer their analysis, they do not offer many of the actual numbers and offer none of the questions asked. God bless Howell Raines and his role as a social activist.Bret November 26th, 2002 by ShoRecord an episode of “Will and Grace” on your TiVo, and your TiVo will probably assume you’re gay. You’ll have to counter this by watching a lot of episodes of “The Man Show” and “Wild on E!” Personally, I wouldn’t have a problem with watching Brooke Burke for a few hours every day. November 25th, 2002 by ShoNow open for your perusal, The OC Online Store! Available for purchase are t-shirts, mugs and other OC-themed items. To be fair, I’ve heard that cafepress.com (our printer and distributer) doesn’t do a great job with printing on clothing. The mugs, however, are supposed to be just fine. We felt that offering a variety of items is for the best. How can you go wrong with an OC thong? Update: The prices featured on the store website are the lowest possible. We will not be making a profit off of any of the items. We plan to raise prices by a few dollars when we figure out the tax paperwork, which will probably take a very long time. Therefore, enjoy the low prices while you can! November 25th, 2002 by OwenDo you remember your first blog? Well, I hope it was painful. Here’s mine …. a story that should illustrate why the poopie heads of Eugene will always be poopie heads Stuck With The Bill …November 25th, 2002 by BretO’Reilly’s latest column hits on an area covered by Pete in the latest issue. He outlines how CPB bleeding heart Bill Moyers makes a profit off public broadcasting. November 23rd, 2002 by wwbRemember when Michael Moore used to be funny? No? Remember what it was like before he became a hypocritcal asshole? Well, same here. In any case: remember, now, what it was like before he was caught revising his own history. From Wired: “The irony of Moore –- who ambushes executives and politicians on film with their own statements — apparently trying to erase his own words was too rich even for some of his fans.” Link via Instapundit. Bill Simmons on AugustaNovember 22nd, 2002 by peteBill Simmons occasionally comes off an aging frat guy who still gets his jollies snapping towels in the locker room, but I think he’s onto something here. OC Beats UO on Logo PolicyNovember 22nd, 2002 by BretThe Commentator won its fight with the UO over mandatory inclusion of the new marketing logo. The Guard has a good story. Of course, look first to the new issue.Bret New OC IssueNovember 21st, 2002 by ShoFour days before its street date, Issue Three is now online and rarin’ to go. Inside is an fresh update on the Oregon “O” logo debate. Photo RadarNovember 21st, 2002 by ShoLooks like photo radar is going to remain in Portland. Yay for that. |