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Archive for the 'Pacifica Forum' Category

Uptick In Skillet-Related Violence Finally Explained

January 18th, 2008 by olly

My curiosity was piqued by CJ’s last post, so I just looked at the Pacifica Forum site for the first time in God knows how long, and I was immediately struck by the following item from last year:

08/31 – Metting [sic] on the upcoming Tolerance/Intolerance Breakfast.

Immediately afterwards we have

09/07 – Further discussion about the Tolerance/Intolerance Breakfast.

Then there’s a brief spell of 9/11 conspiracy theories and whatnot, before the ominous/hilarious conclusion:

9/21 – Post-Mortem on the Tolerance/Intolerance Breakfast, (reports and discussion)

Now, apart from the fact that it sounds like the title of one of the experimental films from Infinite Jest, I can’t help but imagine what the minutes from that meeting were like. (Be it resolved: at future events, the intolerant people should not be allowed more than one bloody mary.)

Pacifica Forum lecture to focus on MLK, communism

January 18th, 2008 by CJ Ciaramella

The Pacifica Forum plans to hold a lecture titled “Martin Luther King: Communist?” today (Friday) at 4 p.m. in the Walnut Room of the EMU. The poster for the lecture describes it as “a discussion of whether or not Martin Luther King was a communist and of implications of the answers.”

That’s it. I am beyond disgusted with the Pacifica Forum. (more…)

Breaking news: Pacifica Forum still crazy

December 20th, 2007 by CJ Ciaramella

The latest Eugene Weekly has a news piece on the Pacifica Forum, and (surprise!) the forum is still bat-shit crazy. If you haven’t read my piece on the Pacifica Forum in the Holiday Issue, go check it out. Anyways, here’s a little treat from the EW article:

Later, after denying that he was a conspiracy theorist, Douglas described how the burning of the Branch Davidians’ compound in Waco, Texas, and the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building were perpetrated by the U.S. government, and he said that the U.S. government was capable of using cable TV boxes as receivers to eavesdrop on people in their homes.

For those not familiar with it, the Pacifica Forum spends most of its time talking about how the Jews run the world, didn’t really die in the Holocaust, eat babies, etc. They try and cover their douchebaggery by claiming they are merely criticizing Israel and its policies, which apparently is a rock-solid defense these days.

Pacifica Forum to host holocaust denier

October 15th, 2007 by CJ Ciaramella

On Nov. 2 the Pacifica Forum will host a lecture in 129 Mackenzie entitled “Free Speech vs. Zionist Power” by Mark Weber, “America’s most prominent revisionist historian.”

Weber is the director of the Institute for Historical Review, one of the larger anti-Zionist “institutes” around. This isn’t unusual for the Pacifica Forum, however; they routinely invite tinfoil hats, holocaust deniers and other mixed nuts to speak at their forum. For instance, a while ago they had a lecture on the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, a proven hoax that dumbasses still use as evidence of the Zionists’ plans for world domination.

On a completely unrelated note, the lecture is listed in the events section of the forum of, whose motto is “white pride world wide.”  Finally, something the hippies and white nationalists can agree on: a mutual hate of Israel.