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Archive for May, 2003

May 7th, 2003 by Bret

Avoiding The Race

George Will can’t really be called a neocon, nor should he dismissively be labeled as a paleocon. He is just a conservative, and it is great to see that he is writing that race doesn’t matter. It’s something we at the OC have believed and have been saying for a long time, and now it looks like Bush’s efforts are leading to inroads with younger Jewish voters.

Also of note today: Pete Townshend not a kiddie porn freak, John Edwards fundraising issues, and a shit-throwing girl hazing.

May 6th, 2003 by jeremy

Soon they will rule the world

“Teacher says every time a wrestler gets elected into office, an angel gets a piledriver from God.”

Here’s a funny little story I found in the news today. Japan’s own version of Jessie “The Body” Ventura, The Great Sasuke, came to his first day on the job today wearing a wrestling mask despite critic’s claim that it was indecent. Ironicly, very few people said anything when the man rose from his chair during the meeting of the local assembly and threw it one of the other members.

I know what you all are thinking; I’m thinking the exact same thing. I can’t wait for this to happen in Mexico.

May 6th, 2003 by Sho

The Oregon Department of Education gave in to federal pressure to throw out their plan to hold schools to lower standards for minority students. If this plan were implemented, white and privleged students would have been held to higher standards until 2014, when standards would be equalized. The Oregonian has a good editorial on the whole issue.

This is just another example of liberal-minded officials actually hurting people of color by making it appear that minorities can’t achieve anything without the government’s aid (e.g. affirmative action).

May 6th, 2003 by Bret

“Stupid Like A Fox”

Rick Fox may be out a year! Good news for Megan’s Law and all anti-child molester programs, eh?

May 6th, 2003 by wwb


Slate‘s Rob Walker tries to explain the Carrot Top phenomenon (i.e. his continued existence):

    The funniest thing about Carrot Top has always been that no one thinks he’s funny. He does not dispense punch lines; he is a punch line. Perhaps the real message of his work, then, is a critique that makes a mockery not just of the entertainment industry, but of the very notion of meritocracy in America—his success being the most damning evidence to date that the marketplace of talent is a sham.

Hmmm. I don’t know about this, but then, it isn’t like Armed Prophet has a better answer.

May 6th, 2003 by wwb


Last week I noted that conservative students at the University of Miami were being refused proper university recognition by the leftist ideologues in student government. At the time, the school’s president (Bill Clinton’s old HHS secretary) Donna Shalala was travelling — now that she’s back, Eugene Volokh reports that the group will, in fact, be recognized.

May 5th, 2003 by Bret

I am by no means a fan of Howard Fineman’s political analysis, but he does toss around the Clinton Question fairly well in his newest column. Despite Bush’s amazing popularity, this may well be one of the bloodiest and ugliest fights we’ll have seen in some time since Clinton sounds ready to get back in the fray even more publicly.

May 5th, 2003 by Sho

“Once you let them into the state, they’ll want to run for office.”

Last Friday, the state legislature passed a bill making it much easier for pro-wrestling promoters to hold events in Oregon. World Wrestling Entertaiment has already planned an event to take place in the Rose Garden on May 31. A few senators were against the move, citing wrestling’s glorification of violence and its portrayal of women.

I think pro-wrestling can get a little repetitive after a while (the WWE is basically a testoterone-fueled soap opera), but I think this was a good move by the legislature to invite a prosperous and growing industry into our state. Our economy could use any help it can get.

May 5th, 2003 by Bret

Flight Attendant, may I have my penis … er, peanuts now? And I’d like to rest my head on your jugs … er, a pillow. Nude flights!

May 5th, 2003 by Sho

Prof. Weinhold’s Most Wanted

For all you J101 students out there, the most commonly misspelled words on the Internet according to Google.

May 4th, 2003 by Zach

“A Quaint Little Pub in Dorset. Shitting Tits.”

I’ve been to many a pub in my day, but somehow I must have missed this one. This is for you, Olly.

May 4th, 2003 by Bret

TIME has published the Matrix Reloaded’s cliffhanger: I warn you, do not read it, and for God’s sake, don’t tell me. If you do tell me, I will calmly apply for a handgun permit, wait the required time, pick up my new purchase and meet you at your front door. Thank you, this has been a public service announcement.

May 3rd, 2003 by pete

Wow. Check out the picture on this page. This is a porn waiting to happen. Can you say… sandwich. And I know she’d be down.

May 3rd, 2003 by jeremy

Enter the Diversity Gastapo

I think this campus has become a wee bit over-zealous when it comes to diversity. At risk of being anouther one of those idiots that compares everything to the Nazis, this has kind of a SS of diversity smell to it. The Bias Response Team is, according to the brochure that was delivered to the Area Desk today, basicly a hotline for anyone who thinks that they were a victim or they witnessed an act of harassment or a hate crime. So what happens when a report is filed? According to the brochure:

“The Bias Response Team (BRT) coordinator is contacted”

“The BRT is informed”

“A report is written and filed”

“Community education programs may be initiated to address concerns revealed by the report”

or for a case the requires action from the BRT:

“The target and case are assigned an advocate and case manager. The advocate is an immediate and ongoing support system for the target of the incident.”

“The advocate and case manager contact the target and obtain permission, when applicalble to proceed.”

“The case manager checks into Student Conduct Code infractions, conduct process, and affirmative action.”

“the BRT is assembled for a consultation and a report is written and filed.”

Call me parinoid, but somehow, just reading this brings images of a BRT/ SWAT team van pull up and carting people away for crimes against diversity. They will then taken into a room and programed to respect diversity. On that note, I think it would be gosh darn prudent of us at the Commentator to install one of those speak-easy sliding doors so we can see who is knocking on the other side.

May 3rd, 2003 by Timothy

Moron My Arse…

(Via Sullivan) Tony Blair defends Bush from acusations of being an idiot, one can hardly call this “partisan propaganda.”

I’m also not sure I buy this bit in the Guardian. Do pot and porn account for a lot of spending? Probably, but 10% of the aggregate economy, I’d think not. Especially when it’s according to “a study” by the Author of Fast Food Nation. I’ve not read that particular work, and I’m sure it’s good, but a penchant for journalistic investigation does not an economist make. I’ll have to take a look at this book in more detail to evaluate the sources of his estimates, but without some solid econometric data or methodology, I don’t trust it.

Lastly, be sure to check out this great piece in the Weekly Standard about reporting from the front.