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Sudsy Wants You to Join the Oregon Commentator

Archive for the 'Magazine Update' Category

A Big Thank You

March 15th, 2006 by Ian

A big, big thank you is due to the following people who chipped in money in order to give us two brand spankin’ new boxes: Bill Beutler, Ed Carson, Bret Jacobson, Owen Brennan Rounds, R.S.D. Wederquist, and, of course, Tim Dreier. Tim was instrumental in organizing and paying for the purchase of the boxes (not to mention this website, which he pays for out of pocket.) This magazine is what it is today thanks to our alumni- without them, we’d be just another characterless rag. Thanks a lot, fellas.

New OC Box

This doubles our total number of outdoor distribution points. You can find Commentator boxes across the street from the UO Bookstore, next to the PLC bus stop, on a kitty-corner from the EMU Amphitheatre, and on Agate St. across from Hamilton. You can find indoor racks in Lillis, Hamilton, Carson, and the EMU. We will be adding two more outdoor boxes soon enough, this time out of our fundraising account.

Comics Kill!

March 2nd, 2006 by Ian

Worried that a political comic could attack you at any point? So are we.

New Issue Out

January 17th, 2006 by Ian

The new issue is finally, finally, finally, done. Check it out, for the love of God.

Volume 23, Issue II Now Out

October 27th, 2005 by Ian

The new issue’s out. There’s lots of good stuff in it, including Brian Bogart reportage, meal point plan changes, smoking ban nonsense, RRC delights, state constitutional craziness, and, of course, guns. Hooray for a non-gimmick issue!

And now, I sleep. Email all flames/corrections/naughtybits to [email protected].

Staff Meeting Watch: Accurate Date/Time/Location Edition

October 18th, 2005 by Ian

Who: Current staffers, future staffers, ex-staffers, staffers-in-law, step-staffers, and you.
What: Oregon Commentator Staff Meeting
When: Wednesday, Oct. 19 at 7:00pm Pacific Time (Sod off, GMTers.)
Where: EMU Century Room D (On the top floor of the Skylight room.)
Why: Because meetings are the hip thing nowadays, and we’re all about the kids.
How: There is no how.

Oregon Commentator Wants You. Staff Meeting

October 11th, 2005 by Tyler

Okay, my last post on this topic was filled with inaccuracies. My apologies.

For those who are interested in joining the Oregon Commentator, we will be having a meeting on Wednesday, October 12, at 7:00pm in EMU Century Room D, which is underneath the Skylight. Bring a friend … a friend named Jack.

A crisp stack of staff applications have been placed in the box attached to our office door at 319 EMU, above the ODE. Take one. Seriously, take one.

We’re always looking for staff positions: Contributors, copie eduhters, business wunderkinds, photogs, precious artistes, astute pontificators, etc … or maybe you have your own idea of what you can offer the magazine.

OC Bidness

October 5th, 2005 by Tyler

Okay, so here’s the deal: The first Oregon Commentator meeting of the year will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 6 at 7:00 pm in the OC office, 319 EMU, above the Ol’ Dirty office. Ian will be sending an email to all of you who are currently OC staffers shortly. For those of you who are not yet affiliated with our fine publication but may harbor an interest in possibly joining in the future, you are urged to come by and check things out. Seriously. We’ll even buy you a drink at Rennie’s (and by “we” I mean Dan Atkinson Tyler Graf). Staff applications can be found in a box affixed to the door to our office.

To summarize:
What: OC staff meeting.
Where: EMU Century Room D (Near the skylight, on the upper floor.)
When: 7:00 pm, Wednesday, Oct. 6.
Who: You.
Afterwards: Drinking, naturally.

(post future-dated, courtesy of Dr. Brown)

OC Almanac Up

October 5th, 2005 by Ian

Well, I guess posting when a new issue is done is all the rage nowadays, so here’s a post indicating that the issue’s off to the printers and available on the website. We were hoping to get it done a day earlier, but them’s the breaks.

Also, apologies to those alums whose content we couldn’t include. It’s obviously a jam-packed issue (laying out the thing was a damn nightmare,) and there simply wasn’t enough room for everything we wanted in. Originally, we were not going to include any articles by current staffers, but we felt Dan’s excellent wine guide was too good to pass up. Plus, Dan himself has been with the magazine longer than it takes most wines to ferment, so I think his article’s inclusion is more than fair.

Anyways, read and enjoy some of the best works from the Commentator’s past twenty-two years.

Also: Grape Ape is one of our nation’s least understood cartoon animals. Discuss.

Back to the Booze is Late

September 19th, 2005 by Ian

…by about an hour and a half. It’s in WOWP’s hands now. Hopefully they’ll have it back to us by Thursday morning. It’s a hell of a pdf (over 6mb with the [Smallest File Size] profile,) so make sure you either have a ton of RAM or have closed all superfluous open applications.

My sincere apologies for any glaring errors. I’ve been up for 28 hours and have a shortage of proof readers along with an important deadline. In this case, the deadline won.

Tater Awards Issue Out!

August 15th, 2005 by Ian

It’s finally done. Let the complaining commence!

Hack Attack!

May 10th, 2005 by Ian

Hack Attack ’05 is now available for your perusal. Enjoy!

Six and Seven

April 8th, 2005 by melissa

Western Oregon Web Press… 48 hour turn around. Huzzah! Props to all the staff out there.

Issue 6/7 is in the office. Distribute when y’all can. I took some down to the EMU boxes.

Long Live Freedom of the Press!

March 3rd, 2005 by melissa

Pop open those bottles of bubbly, y’all! The Collegiate Network (thank you, Steve Klugewicz) and the FIRE (thank you, David French!) are toasting our victories as we speak.

Excerpt from the FIRE press release:

President Frohnmayers refusal to correct the PFC was irresponsible, commented Greg Lukianoff, FIREs director of legal and public advocacy. The students needed guidance on the law from the administration, and from President Frohnmayers response it looks as though the students were never provided with the guidance they neededuntil FIRE decided to write the students directly.

We certainly hope that the ASUOand the UO administrationhas learned its lesson and that, from now on, student fees will not be used as a tool to favor or disfavor particular viewpoints. FIRE will continue to monitor the situation at UO to ensure that this attempt at censorship does not happen again, concluded FIREs French.

Hats off to the Collegiate Network and our supporters on campus for having faith in our ability to remain a strong presence at the University of Oregon.


March 2nd, 2005 by Sho

Guys, I can’t believe that you still haven’t put a post up about this yet. It happened TWO DAYS AGO. Why wasn’t I informed? It’s because I’m involved with public broadcasting now, isn’t it? You’ve turned your backs on me, ya free-market-hugging bastards!


February 1st, 2005 by Timothy

OC Budget Hearing