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OC Budget Hearing


  1. Andy says:

    there should be another one next week.

  2. Sho says:

    Wish I hadn’t missed it, but I couldn’t get out of work here in Portland.

    I know the PFC does a conveniently bad job of letting us know the whens and wheres of our hearings (isn’t that a violation of some sort?), but if another hearing comes up, let all of us know asap.

    BTW, did anyone on staff take photos?

  3. Stan says:

    Armbands? Christ!

    See, I think they’re trying to deflect further parody by actually parodying themselves.

    It’d be funny, if they didn’t actually have any responsibilities.

  4. M-Dog says:


    “Mason’s gonna need to snort an extra long rail when he gets home.”

    Judging from his behavior last night, I’d say he had a few before he even got there.

  5. Timothy says:

    Way to go, fellas, way to go. Also, where is the infamous story that was up and is now gone? I live in the Central time zone and did not see it.

  6. Ian says:

    The best part was Vischanoff.

  7. Meghann says:

    You just can’t make this shit up, folks.

  8. Danimal says:

    btw, welcome back, Andy.

  9. Danimal says:


    There will be an official report sometime later this evening from somebody other than me (I am near to bed; gotta be in court on unrelated business at 8 AM), but here’s the long and the short of it:

    1. It was a circus beyond our wildest nightmares. The crowd, however, was split 50/50, and I get the impression that more of us spoke than them.

    2. The PFC put on a display of incompetence unheard of even in the sad history of the ASUO. Everything from total confusion over procedure, intimidating words from one PFC member to another, all the way to one member outright declaring that the First Amendment was an “unjust law” and that he was unable to say anything viewpoint-neutral. The whole sorry biz culminated in Mason Quiroz’s dramatic resignation from the PFC. On his way out, he physically threatened Autumn Depoe by sticking a middle finger in her face.

    3. Former PFC Chair and OC staffer Adrian Gilmore was a DPS officer’s intervention away from being physically assaulted by an individual who called him a “puke.” And they call us hostile.

    4. ASUO Executive Adam Petkun was one of our strongest allies, and he came amply prepared with federal case law. Quiroz called him “ignorant,” citing the Green Tape Notebook.

    5. Armbands. They had armbands for “anyone who has been hurt by the Commentator.” Our side did not have armbands. Surely if we had, we would have been called fascists, so there you go.

    That’s about all I can spew out right now. I had myself a great time, and the fun is only beginning.

  10. Jan says:

    Eh, well I posted that when the thing Ben wrote was still up on the Web site, so in that context it would have made a whole lot more sense.

  11. Danimal says:

    Jan, I have no idea what you’re talking about there.

  12. Jan says:

    Well, if the meeting was as tense as it sounds, Mason’s gonna need to snort an extra long rail when he gets home.

  13. Michael Buckley says:

    In comparison to the real show going on around the table, DPS breaking up a fight wasn’t really all that spectacular. The PFC was having some major issues. From where I was, it even sounded like Queroz even threatened the chair At least, she took it as a threat.

    While I sympathize with the position that Toby expressed tonight, I just can’t see the connection to the Commentator, and even if other university avenues where exhausted, as she (he?) claimed, she certainly should know better than to take it to the PFC. That was just way out of place, but it was very funny to see the members try to bend the rules to give their opposition to the Commentator context.

    Anyway, good work all of you. While I’m disappointed that your budget still hasn’t been reviewed, I sure got a kick out of that whole circus. The face of corruption may not be pretty, but tonight it was fucking hilarious.

  14. Colin says:

    Ha…you guys did awesome. The PFC was a wreck, all over the place. They couldn’t seem to decide whether to fight about the ze/hir thing, the content, the mission, or anything else.

    What a joke of a commitee!

    Good luck with whatever happens, and may your free speech remain intact. ; )

  15. Jan says:

    Holy fucking shit. Four years I sat through shitty ASUO meetings and I never got to see EPD break up a fight. I officially hate you all 😉

    But I officially worship whoever put the criminal record out there on the record so it could go in print. In the words of South Park, well, if I were gay I’d let you have me (assuming it was a man).

  16. Anonymous says:

    the one whom will have a really awesome article about his felonious past revealed tomorrow! honestly i dont know his name…but he’s of “mexican decent.”

    almost bloodshed! someone pushed Adrian (i got to shake his hand!) but EPD broke it up. Adrian made some incredible points. Too bad violating the constitution doesn’t seem to matter. That should be the headline in the dirty tomorrow,

    but i think the OC crew has a better headline… :)~

  17. Sho says:

    Must… keep… hitting… refresh….

  18. Jan says:

    Which PFC member resigned??? Bloodshed?

  19. Andy says:

    not sure of an official one, but the techinical result was that the meeting was recessed after the mission statement was failed 2-4, but since they cannot defund the commentator without unanimous vote, recess was called….and i hollared a lot!

  20. Josh M. says:

    Bah! I’m going nuts here! All I need to know is if the update is going to be up soon so I can go to bed otherwise.

  21. Andy says:

    Whatever you think happened, your wrong!

    The most intense political experiance with ineptitude ever! and a PFC member resigned!! the commentator will live on!

  22. Andy says:


  23. Jan says:

    yeah seriously, the anticipation is killing this out-of-stater.

  24. Brandon says:

    Well, I for one want to know what went down tonight. Ruff? Atkinson? Somebody? Don’t leave us hanging here.

  25. Andy says:

    Hey, I just talked to Adam P and he said he’d veto if the PFC canned you guy. He also called toby a he. lol

  26. Timothy says:

    I asked Tyler. He was busy so I posted it.

  27. Crary says:

    Thanks, Timmer. How come the person living in another state is the one in the know about the location of tomorrow’s hearing?

  28. Boxcar Ferguson says:

    I’ll be there in spirit, er, spirits…er, uhhhhhh…what I’m tryin’ to get at is that I’ll be ridin’ the Mason/Nashville line drinkin’ out of a bottle marked “XX” as you good people fight for your right to do whatever it is you, uhhhh, do. Yeah!

    Now I can’t speak for all the other boxcar-ridin’ hobos out there but I’m sure, if you were to go around and ask all the other boxcar-ridin’ hobos out there, they’d, uhhhh, what? Oh, yeah. They’d say, “Yeah, those good people should get to do whatever it is they do.”

    So, er, yeah. What? Skip to the loo, my darlin’? Yeah! *hiccup*

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