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Sudsy Wants You to Join the Oregon Commentator

They Don’t Give Medals To Yesterday’s Quiroz

Well, I’m not sure what I expected, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t this. That was one of the strangest events I’ve ever witnessed.

Full-blown post-mortem to come. For now, a big thank-you to everyone who came out to show support. There were a lot of unexpected heroes last night, but a special mention has to go to Adam Petkun, who showed up with an armload of photocopies of the Southworth decision for the committee and hung tough throughout amid accusations of “ignorance” from Mason.

(Oh, and: “Are you insane?” may lack some of the gravitas of “Have you no decency, sir?” but the resonance was pretty much the same.)

It’s a beginning, not an ending. Updates on the way.

  1. Andy says:

    I remember when he was reading at the meeting and he said that he had to change they way he delt with his saftey at campus..and i thought, gee, isnt that what concealed carry weapons are all about? If he is so fearful for his physical saftey, he should he the strongest proponent for CCW on campus. If you are reading this Toby, check out

  2. Stan says:

    Oddly, in the Emerald comments Toby appears to think that we’ll damage hir mental (ie, non-physical) safety.

    Also: Hi Toby!

  3. Josh M. says:

    I really wish I would have come last night, but being a non-student who reads the Commentator, and knowing the PFC’s opinion of non-students reading student publications, I didn’t want to get you in any more of a mess…when/if this debate is resumed, I’ll be sure to attend, but I won’t let it be known that non-students read your magazine.

  4. Casey says:

    Man, between you guys/girls and Ward Churchill, this has been some week in collegiate First Amendment issues. I’m all a flutter.

  5. Timothy says:

    Like their agents aren’t already?

  6. Andy says:

    send pics along with those hug and kisses 😉

    The pronoun issue is so laughably PC. biologically, you are either a man or a women, but in very rare cases there is confusion due to deformaties from birth. Toby isn’t saying that he wants to be a women, he’s saying that he isn’t a man nor a women, which is incapatible with his current physiology.

    The issue with toby had no place whatsoever last night at a budget hearing in which the scope of the duties is to find if the said group was using all the money they had been given, in order to make a descision on the next years appropreate amount. It is unconstitutional and idiocy to have an offical university group censor the speech of a group because THAT implies that the university has the power to regulate groups, which leaves them open to litigation if a group violates a law.

    Im glad mason and others don’t have the ability to set legal policies for the UofO, because then, that campus would be in a world of shit in the courts.

  7. Ian says:

    This picture was taken with a camera phone.

    The person standing is Vischanoff. The woman(?) seated next to him and raising her hand was the person who earlier handed out pink-purple armbands. Hilariously, she(?) was wearing overalls with an anarchist symbol on the back.

  8. mene says:

    The Emerald’s policy on dealing with quoting/refering to Toby (at least this year, I can’t remember what Brad and Jan’s take was) is they they will only use Hill-Meyer to avoid the who he/she/hir issue.

    That meeting was definitely not the anti-climatic yak session that most people came into expecting.

  9. Courtney says:

    Hey guys

    Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and supporting you all. I know it’s not much, coming from the far reaches of Indiana, but I am sending you all my love and kisses!


  10. M-Dog says:

    That would be the one.

  11. JS says:

    Is the Mission Statement in question, the one linked to on the left of the homepage?

  12. M-Dog says:

    In light of last night’s argument against our content, I draw attention to Kim Jong Il’s hair length policy. We would, of course, be the hateful hairstyle in this situation. Coincidence? I think not.

    North Korea’s “Let’s Trim Our Hair According to Socialist Lifestyle” claims “that long hair hampers brain activity by taking oxygen away from nerves in the head.”

    Draw your own conclusions.

  13. Timothy says:

    “Targeted” for being a bad member of senate, more likely.

  14. Stan says:

    “Hill-Meyer, who later filed a formal grievance against the publication, said Hill-Meyer was targeted because of transgender identity.”

    Seems they don’t want to use a certain case again.

  15. Melissa says:

    Yes, I have to agree with Olly that the turnout in support of the OC was amazing and appreciated. Not only that, but everyone who spoke on our behalf was educated, calm, intelligent, and a credit to our readership.

    Thank you!

  16. Sound crazy. Wish I had been there, but I had little Lutherans to teach. Keep up the good fight for the free speech.

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