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The Thing That Really Hurts

It was totally rude of Mason to refer in that derisive way to our “attempts” at sophomoric humor, as if to imply that we don’t consistently achieve it. We should get buttons made that say “The PFC hurt me.”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Fuck the PFC. Fuck ’em long. Fuck ’em hard. Free The OC!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Fucking the

    I’d just like to add that this may be in poor taste, given the fact that it was Toby’s penis that got the OC into all this trouble in the first place.

    Not that I resent Toby’s penis. Quite the opposite.

  3. Dau says:

    And wear homemade t-shirts that say things like “My Vagina is Depressed” and “My Vagina is Not Represented Here”.

  4. AD says:

    Better yet, have all of the OC folks wear duct tape over their mouths at the next PFC meeting until the Mission Statement is approved.

  5. Andy says:

    I think the greatest response to our opposition is to take a shower every day.

  6. Stan says:

    Buttons are out. Armbands are the new fashion choice.

  7. Dau says:

    (button ideas, in the spirit of the ‘ESPN’ or ‘ABC’ signs seen at football games…)

    Fucking the

    OC R
    All in the name of

  8. M-Dog says:

    Per our mission statement:

    We believe that the University should be a forum for rational and informed debate–instead of the current climate in which ideological dogma, political correctness, fashion and mob mentality interfere with academic pursuit.

    Last night was just chock full of ideological dogma, political correctness, and MOB MENTALITY aimed directly at us. I think that what happened last night justifies our mission statement in itself.

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