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Round ‘Em Up.

For those of you who’ve been following our on-going frustrations with the PFC, I thought a nice round-up piece would be in order. Below are links to the OC and Emerald sources in roughly chronological order, just so that everybody can keep up:

OC Coverage
Programs Finance Committee to students: “free speech is bad for you”
Argle-Bargle (Bargle-related)
Thought Experiments & The First Amendment
Parables and Precedents
An Open Letter To The PFC
PFC Strikes Again! (ODE-related)
ASUO: “No News Is Good News” (ODE-related)

Emerald Coverage:
Committee Threatens Free Speech On Campus
Commentator’s Mission Rejected
Tyranny Of The Few
PFC Attacks Students By Censoring Publications

As you can see there’s been an awful lot of coverage of this issue on campus, and rightly so. We must keep fighting against this draconian rule of whim. It is far past time to call the lawyers.

UPDATE: More Below.
PFC’s Asinine Reasoning Not Surprising
Budget Cut Contradicts An ASUO Contract

  1. Andy says:

    I’ll be there fo shizzle

  2. Sho says:

    Damnit, it’s on the 1st? I’m working that day, and I probably won’t get the time off. Shit shit shit.

  3. Danimal says:

    We’ll tell the masses which room as soon as we know.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Where’s the prefunk? :)~ j/k..

  5. Timothy says:

    Which room? Tell the masses which room!

  6. Danimal says:

    Please come to our budget hearing, at about 7:45 PM on February 1. Those who consider us evil will be out in force, so we could use some support.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Any upcomming hearings or open forums at the PFC to rally the troops at? Is there any sort of physical protest in defence of the OC? Bueller?

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