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Sudsy Wants You to Join the Oregon Commentator

Senility Takes Another Victim

Molly Ivins is taking Eugene to task for our lack of liberal radio. She quotes Edward Monks, a lawyer in Eugene, who did a report in the Register-Guard last year demonstrating the prevalence of right-wing hosts on radio talk shows. As if we needed a report to tell us that. Monks survey of two Eugene talk stations found that “there are 80 hours per week, more than 4,000 hours per year, programmed for Republican and conservative talk shows, without a single second programmed for a Democratic or liberal perspective.” Obviously, Monks wasn’t listening to NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO.

Ivins attacks Michael Powell for encouraging a concentration of media. Certainly as far as FM radio goes, concentration sucks. Clear Channel doesn’t exactly promote a diversity of sound. But that’s why people are buying XM. Antiquated technologies—or markets— evolve or die.

Also in the news, Armed Prophet linked to a fascinating story today about a bloodless coup in Delaware. Seems a concerned group of libertarians want to create an Ayn Rand style utopia of “no public schools, no health, welfare or social services, no liquor laws, no gun control or land use laws.”

First Delaware… then Jefferson! Get that flag ready for a 51st star.

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