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Remember the donkey? The one blown up by Palestinian terrorists? In the comments section of this blog, someone (maybe me) responded to the news of this atrocity with the call: “Somebody notify PETA!” Well, someone (not me) has, and the New York Daily News has the scoop:

PETA prez Ingrid Newkirk faxed [Yasser] Arafat‘s headquarters in Ramallah on Monday to protest a Jan. 26 attack in which no humans were killed, but a dynamite-laden burro bit the dust. “If you have the opportunity,” Newkirk asks Arafat, “will you please add to your burdens my request that you appeal to all those who listen to you to leave animals out of this conflict?” When we pointed out this is much milder language than the group usually applies even to a woman in a fur coat, a PETA rep said, “We try and ask nicely the first time.”

Yeah, sure. George Orwell would have a field day with Newkirk’s obnoxious phrasing. Why can’t “please add to your burdens my request that you appeal to all those who listen to you to” simply be shortened “please”? Something to do with PETA’s implicit tolerance for Paletinian terrorism? Make up your own mind.

Also: The new issue looks great. GREAT. Quick, somebody get the alums a hard copy!

Also also: There’s a fairly misleading poll report floating around right now about how the public believes Colin Powell on Iraq, but not George Bush. I take this (and other poll-reporting errors) to task in my new blog, over at Armed Prophet. Come have a look!

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