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Things To Do While Drinking First Coffee Of Morning

Time for the major bloggers, the ones I don’t need to include links to. Most of us hit Instapundit and Lileks, some of us hit Sullivan and sundry Volokhs, and Bill browses the unsung Lake Charles American Press. Then we disperse into a crowd of Drezners, Den Besten, Little Green Footballs, Atrioses (Atrii?), “Jane Galt”s, Kevin Drums, Mark Steyns, et al – including some five hundred blogs called Somethingpundit.

It’s free refill day at the coffee stand on 13th, so let me throw one more on the heap of things to read – not a blogger, but then neither is Steyn. Tuesday through Friday, Simon Hoggart‘s periodically-linked-by-me parliamentary sketch in the Guardian. It just makes me happy. Here‘s today’s, on cod liver oil and cynicism:

It tasted revolting, but I say this: I have never suffered from rickets, one symptom of which is enlargement of the liver. My liver is enlarged for quite different reasons.


You might think that the real question should be “do you think your problems would be solved by electing a whole new bunch of politicians to be paid handsome salaries out of your pocket and housed in fantastically grandiose buildings lined in brass and maplewood that you will also have to pay for?”

Yes, you might.

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