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And My Theatre Friends Wonder What I’ve Got Against The NEA

It’s stories like this that keep me convinced the NEA should be done away with as a matter of principle. Yes, fine, in the huge federal budget $35,000 isn’t all that much. But it’s that attitude that allows all sorts of waste to go on. I’m sure some idiot Manhattanite(s) [Californians in this case] could come up with whatever money these folks and others like them want to produce this crap. Dear “artists” if no one will buy your garbage, and you must subsist off of government subsidy, maybe that’s a hint you don’t have any talent and should get back to waiting my table. And, yes, I am going to stiff you…that’s what you get with that attitude, mister. Don’t get all huffy, either serve me with a smile or get stiffed, that’s the way of the world, bucko.

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