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Ted Rall Apparently Not So Much Of An Anomaly

While researching horrible things that I can fecklessly quote Tim as saying about various politicians, I came up with the following, which I think we should all continue to bear in mind:

The same [tendency towards the negative] is true of the media’s treatment of our presidents and vice-presidents throughout American history. Washington was treated like scum by the press. Adams was called “blind, crippled, and toothless.” Lincoln was vilified in the most extravagantly simian terms. Andrew Johnson was called “a low sot” who “defiled our council chamber with the spewings of a drunken boor.” Henry Adams said that the life of Ulysses S. Grant proved that Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution was completely wrong. Nastiness in the news media is as American as apple pie.

The quote is from Joe Queenan’s Imperial Caddy. It’s out of print, but absolutely essential election-year reading if you can find a copy.

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