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Sudsy Wants You to Join the Oregon Commentator

When He’s Right He’s Right

David Jagernauth has never said anything more true than this:

Furthermore — and I’d like to stress this point — I am not an economist. I am not good with numbers and really don’t understand budgets. I can’t even balance my checkbook. I am probably the last person on this campus who should be commenting on Bush’s $2.4 trillion proposal.

He then spends the rest of his commentary proving that point over and over again. It’s the typical “tax cuts for the rich and Bush really likes OOOIIIILLL” kind of crap that we see repeated all the time from these sorts of left-wing hangers-on. If he admits that he’s not an economist, and he admits that he’s bad with numbers, why does he write the rest of the goddamn column? Oh, I remember now, because when you’re on the left actually getting informed before you go spouting off doesn’t matter. I’d spend some time debunking his premises, assertions, and what he passes off as arguments, but I think we all know what I’m going to say about them at this point. Dave, I’ll make a deal with you, I won’t talk about whatever it is you’re qualified to talk about, if you stop spouting gibberish about the economy…capice?

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