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Jessica Cole-Hodgkinson Shouldn’t Be So Hard On Herself

A paroxysm of guilt:

From time to time, I am ashamed to be an American. My shame has many sources — sometimes it’s our pride, sometimes it’s our astounding levels of greed and consumption, and other times, it is our seemingly boundless ability to justify the absurd, the invidious and the hateful.

The rest of the column is actually pretty good – it’s a compilation of wince-inducing Supreme Court opinions. That paragraph rubs me the wrong way, though, and since I’m feeling obtuse, I’m going to assume that she is speaking for herself as proud, greedy, and at home with the invidious, rather than some nebulous mass of her fellow citizens. Unfortunately, she left out “our faux-humble, insufferably pious self-flagellation.” Consider it appended as a footnote.

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