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Sudsy Wants You to Join the Oregon Commentator

Passionate Ramblings

Still haven’t seen that new Jesus flick myself, I’m not terribly interested and I’ll probably just wait until it’s at the $1.50. Kevin Murphy hasn’t seen it yet either, but has some pretty nice thoughts anyway. Furthermore, he has this great quote:

I mean, if we’re going to talk about Jew-hatred overseas, lets be honest about it, and let’s talk about the virulent home grown stuff over there that really is far, far worse than anything Mel or his movie have even been accused of. Try Little Green Footballs if you want to find links to some real live breathing Jew-hatred.

Ouch. I think, I’m not quite sure if he’s implying that LGF are a bunch of anti-semites or that LGF tends to find anti-semitic crap and expose it. Personally, I’m more inclined to believe that LGF has a pretty heavy anti-Arab bias. It’s like the guy doesn’t recognize the difference between Arabs and terrorists. LGF: Weblog of the insane.

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