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Sudsy Wants You to Join the Oregon Commentator

Please, Won’t Somebody Think Of The Little Ones?

Why is the ODE running this nonsense? Have they run out of lunatic cartoonists? Why is someone named Jeff, from Virginia Tech, pleading with us to THINK OF THE CHILDREN on the commentary page?

Making website owners or ISPs legally liable for the audience they attract is a logistical nightmare, entirely dodged here in favor of some hand-wringing over “pornographers who prey on the children out there who make innocent mistakes in their typing of Web sites.” (Another great turn of phrase: it’s “a step backward in the fight to protect children and other unsuspecting innocents from unwanted invasion of moral decency.”) If we’re going to have to put up with the likes of Jeff, I think it should be via a reciprocal agreement in which Shakra gets sent on tour.

  1. Timbo says:

    “…there are pornographers who prey on the children out there who make innocent mistakes in their typing of Web sites.”

    Examples, please? How am I supposed to believe this without concrete evidence? Tell us where the porn is!

  2. Timothy says:

    Parents should keep porn from children…or administer it as they see fit, either way really.

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