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Take this with a grain of salt people, but our sources tell us that the PFC has been dismantled at least temporarily.

The Con Court has reviewed our grievances against Eden Cortez, Dan (Theres A First Amendment?) Keifer and Mason Quiroz, placing injunctions against each one. This means that the PFC, left with only three members, is incapable of reaching quorum.

Apparently, and this is hearsay at the moment, a Con Court Justice marched into the PFC hearing and announced that Eden, Mason and Dan must step down and that PFC business could not resume until the court made a ruling. In light of this news, we do not know when our next PFC hearing will be held.

Also, our next issue will be postponed a day in order to find out what exactly happened. Stay tuned to find out all the gory details about the PFC.

  1. mene says:

    I figured that was probably why, it was just weird that I had to actually read the Emerald to hear news about some of this.

  2. M-Dog says:


  3. Olly says:

    Mene: Given that Toby et posse will manage to construe absolutely any comment we make as a threat of violent attack, I’m staying well clear of that one.

  4. mene says:

    No one has mentioned Toby’s resignation??? It apparently went under the radar…check today’s Emerald PFC article for the quick little blurb: “Hill-Meyer resigned from the Senate, effective today, citing safety concerns.”

  5. Big M says:

    Well, you do know that if they need any help getting new members for the PFC Board, I’d be willing to offer my services.

    I’ll make sure to drop off my application today.

  6. Melissa says:

    Gee, thanks. I’ll make sure to study up on my Kill Bill eye grabby-outty thing, just in case.

  7. Big M says:

    Congrats, guys. Your issue made it onto

  8. Stan says:

    So Quiroz won’t stand by what he said, but is going to defund you for what you said?

  9. Michael G. says:

    Nice. Still need your budget approved, however, but this is a good first step in cleaning up the bullshit in student government.

  10. Andy says:

    Wait on second though, it might be a good time to test the illegal ban on CCW that the university set up! :)~

    2 birds…one stone.

  11. Andy says:

    Hey know you got friends… 🙂

  12. Tyler says:

    I’ll tell Melissa to watch herself.

  13. Jan says:

    Wow, that really kinda sums up the wisdom of student government.

    I wouldn’t let Quiroz worry you too much, Tyler. Judging from the Eddy Morales fiasco, ASUO officials prefer to beat up women.

  14. Tyler says:

    *sigh* Yeah, they let him back on…

  15. Jan says:

    Wait, I thought Mason resigned? Did they let him back on?

  16. Tyler says:

    We’ll see what happens. In the meantime, I’m going to try my best to avoid Mason, who’s stopped by our office several times claiming that he has “personal business” with me.

    I’ll be carrying my own golf club around campus tomorrow — a fucking driver.

  17. Danimal says:


    According to the Green Tape Notebook (AKA the Quiroz Bible), the PFC Three have 7 days to respond to our petitions, and the preliminary injunctions stand for 10 days. So this train isn’t going anywhere for a while.

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