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Sudsy Wants You to Join the Oregon Commentator

Torches and Pitchforks Provided?

This has just been brought to my attention:

A Student Forum will be held on February 15th (this comming Tuesday) to discuss the Oregon Commentator, safety on campus, the usual stuff ad nauseum. It is sponsored by The Office of Student Life, the LGBTQA, the Women’s Center, and the MCC.

There will be a conflict resolution specialist and, if it is at all possible at this point, two neutral observers.

One question: was the Oregon Commentator and/or our supporters invited? We seem to be off of several invite lists lately, especially when it comes to discussing us in safe, neutral forums.

  1. Megs says:

    The cake kicked ass.

    MmmmMMMmmmmmMMM so good….

  2. Andy says:

    Doensn’t a bush analogy work great in this situation too? I was talking with a girl in the library and she said, they targeted toby and hate speech should be punished.

    What about if bush went after all the people that target him with hate speech???? That would pucker up a few (thousand) bungs, but how rediculious and ANTI-liberty would that be?? They are so blind…we must show them the light boys and girls!!

  3. Melissa says:

    “Then again there’s always the chance for delicious litigation.”

    Hence, the presence of the free cake.

  4. Timothy says:

    I read the “however” as a call for prior restraint, the code itself being a guide as to what could and could not be printed. Maybe I’m misusing the term, that’s entirely possible. I agree, entirely alarming. Then again there’s always the chance for delicious litigation.

  5. Danimal says:

    I didn’t see any call for prior restraint, but the “code of conduct” for student groups, apparently aimed at punishing printed speech, is alarming enough. I almost hope the university takes them up on it, because the lawsuit would be marvelous. Simply marvelous.

    Also: “We support freedom of expression, the free exchange of ideas, freedom of speech and freedom of the press.” HOWEVER, “We are all responsible for the steps it takes to educate and eliminate hate and hate-speech in our community.”

    Are these individuals deluded enough to find these statements reconcilable? Given that “hate” (like it or not) enjoys constitutional protection, try substituting just about any word for “hate” and see if the result indicates support for freedom of expression:

    “”We are all responsible for the steps it takes to educate and eliminate love and love-speech in our community.”

    “We are all responsible for the steps it takes to educate and eliminate humor and humorous speech in our community.”

    “We are all responsible for the steps it takes to educate and eliminate controversy and controversial speech in our community.”

    “We are all responsible for the steps it takes to educate and eliminate religion and religious speech in our community.”

    You get the point.

  6. Timothy says:

    Anybody see the LGBTQA letter in the ODE today? So nice of them to call for prior restraint and yet more patently useless mandatory classes to affirm the leftist groupthink worldview. Unsurprising, ultimately, but still dumb as hell.

  7. Melissa says:

    “There was free cake.”

    Really?! Did anyone say “Let them eat cake”?

  8. Anonymous says:

    I went, needless to say I did my homework while it was going on, (reading the Qur’an, although I don’t think anyone got the joke).

    I broke a cardinal rule and said something. At least I was able to get the four most vocal opponents of “hate speech” to say that they didn’t actually want to see the Commentator defunded in front of the administrative circle jerk that was present. The upermost administrator (Garrett?) that attended left after 30 minutes. There was free cake.

    Then I went drinking.
    I believe this a fair assesment of the magnitude of events.

  9. Melissa says:

    I dunno. As far as I know, none of us went. I’m enjoying the company of Jeff and my nephew tonight, not the stench o’ herbs and hate simmering over a UO fire.

  10. Big M says:

    So…how did the Forum go? Did the pachouli children come out to play?

  11. Clint T. says:

    Paid exile it is.

    Based on what I’ve been reading.. you’re probably already going to be arrested for assault for mentioning his name on an OC website. There’s something in the green student book.. or is it yellow.. that addresses the violation in question.

  12. Andy says:

    I say Toby today, he was walking by Andrew Smash. I was going to shake his hand and thank him for stepping down..but I probably would have been swarmed by dreads and patchouli smelling dirty hippies screming about how the OC hurt them…wait a minute!!

  13. Melissa says:

    Paid exile.

  14. Clint T. says:

    So we’re in agreement, we can call Toby him or it. No hir. And I think we’re also in agreement that a long vacation from UofO would be well to do for you. Actually, exile would probably be better choice of words.

  15. Melissa says:

    I don’t know whether or not he has a penis. Furthermore, it is none of my business. But I do think that pronouns should be based on biological sex, just to avoid the endless permutations of pronouns that could arise from doing things otherwise.

    Just because I know how to explain sex vs. gender to laypersons does not mean that I worship those definitions as a new-age religion. Trust me. It’s just helpful to know these things to better understand people other than myself…which is the meaning of anthropology. The study of humans.

  16. Clint T. says:

    Yes Melissa, you do need to escape from the UofO. I remember when I would have read what you wrote and tried to take some meaning out of it.. namely that, “gender can be subjective.”

    However, now that I’m out in the real world, I get to call a spade a spade and tell a bullshitter when he’s bullshitting with no fear of a liberal browbeating. It is indeed a benefit of getting the hell away from the big O. The dude was born with a penis, thus he’s a guy. He’ll find out when he is forced out of the big O that there’s not as many lumps of shit willing to sympathize with him, outside of that liberal bastion, for his new pronouns.

    Hey, if he wants to lead the good fight and introduce his.. excuse me.. its new pronouns to the academic world.. maybe my kids will be more understanding… if I fail as a parent.

  17. Timothy says:

    This is why I pick my pronouns by biology rather than preference. Thusly, I suppose I should stop being an asshole and call Toby “he”.

  18. Melissa says:

    “Gender isn’t biology? Uh-huh? Please do go on, I’d like a rational explanation on this one”

    Sure. Biological sex determines whether someone is male or female depending on primary sex characteristics. Gender is an unintended cultural phenomena that assigns specific behaviors, occupations, thoughts and feelings to being either masculine or feminine. Being transgendered arises when someone born with certain primary sex characteristics identifies with a role outside of the culture’s assigned boundaries.

    As you have probably guessed, dear, this gets confusing when the boundaries of what is feminine or masculine vary from subculture to subculture, or two or more cultures coexist with one another.

    In summary, if you have a penis you are “male” by biological definition. However, what it means to be a “man” or “masculine,” i.e. the identity you attach to being a person with a penis, is completely subjective. Someone who is transgendered could identify with one, the other, or any point on the scale of what American mainstream culture considers to be extremely masculine to extremely feminine.

    It could be argued that we are all transgendered. In fact, many things could be argued about the concept of gender and biological sex. I’m a cultural/biological anthropology major. I’m done this summer. This kind of explanation is part of my DNA sequence.

    As far as being liberated from the UO… it’s the small, normal things that make me happy. I’ve having a bad case of Senior-itis lately. It’s all I can do to keep going to class, let alone stupid student forums.

  19. Timbo says:

    Hell, I never even attended the UofO, and I’ve been sucked in too.

    Well, I did stay in the dorms for a week for computer camp a long time ago.


  20. Jan says:

    I like IKEA. But I digress.

  21. Timothy says:

    Nice to know you never really get out of the camp. Oy. I was hoping I’d stop caring soon.

  22. Clint T. says:

    And before someone jumps down my throat.. I acknowledge my spelling misque. I missed a ‘t’.

  23. Clint T. says:

    Well I won’t argue with the usefulness of gender pronouns, France does a great job with it. There’s a joke to be made with that.. but I can’t put it together.

    Gender isn’t biology? Uh-huh? Please do go on, I’d like a rational explanation on this one from a girl who previously explained once she was liberated she’d be able to join in the things that the majority of the campus goers do anyway…..

    I mean, don’t get me wrong.. it all sounded lovely enough with the, “I just want to get out of this hippie-stench, organic coffee shop, vegan-option, America-hating, Marxist saturated vat of hypocrisy contained within a few city blocks and branded with a duck and an “O”. I just want to get away from this university.” But leaving the University does not constitue liberation.. look at me, living 1000 miles away, two years removed from UofO and I’m still sucked back into this crap thats going on there.

  24. Andy says:

    Aim high there Mellissa 😉

    I was in a philosophy class and my teacher said how he finds happiness in his life is to challenge his faculties. It believe it for myself also, and if what you said is wat you believe, then more power to ya!

    As for me, I like the mission statment of the OC, and feel that challenges to what I believe are important things in life need to be met, legally.

    Where would we be if adults didn’t stand up for what was right? I can throw a few edmond burke quotes at you, but it’s the truth to this day too. It seems like the OC crew has all the help it needs and is very capible of defending itself.
    Im here for moral support 🙂

    Ad in the ODE-“ASUO HIRING!!” LOL!! That made my day guys. Awesome.

  25. Melissa says:

    Biologically. But gender isn’t biology.

  26. Timothy says:

    Actually, Toby is still a male as far as I know.

  27. Timbo says:

    There is some precedent and, to my astonishment, good motivation behind gender-neutral pronouns here:

    This is basically from the standpoint of writers & journalists, a way to overcome the awkwardness of ‘he or she’ and the inaccuracy of ‘they’. My favorite set of gender-neutral pronouns is “e/ey, em, eir, eirs, emself” largely because I already use ’em’ in speech.

    I still strongly disagree with a new pronoun for trannies. They switch genders; they don’t create a mystical new gender. In Toby’s case, he was a male, now she’s a female.

  28. Melissa says:

    “you guys wouldn’t shed a little blood to stand up for whats (sic) right?”

    Sorry, Andy. No.

    I just want to get out of this hippie-stench, organic coffee shop, vegan-option, America-hating, Marxist saturated vat of hypocrisy contained within a few city blocks and branded with a duck and an “O”. I just want to get away from this university.

    Once liberated, I am going to wear GAP t-shirts and Nike shoes, eat meat, and say good things about the current presidential administration. I am going to fill my house with IKEA furniture. I am going to marry Jeff (a man), start an IRA and make sure my future children eat regular food and live good lives. I am going to raise them to respect other people’s opinions and treat those people with the dignity that we have been denied on this campus.

    Preferably, I will do this with all of my blood in the bag of skin that separates me from everyone else.

  29. Tony M says:

    If you guys need an unregistered firearm or perhaps a ignition-triggered car (or bike) bomb to take care of your little problem, I know a guy……. Just remember, it’s a go when you hear “the eagle has landed”

  30. Clint T says:

    Hey.. is this Stan the Man.. ala Oregon’s only allum under 25 – working in the Salem senate?

    And to Olly.. why drop the ‘its’? Offensive as it may be to some – its offensive to me to make a mockery of the English language by making up new words, ‘ze/hir/etc’…

  31. Stan says:

    I’m still mildly astonished that *no-one* managed to put together a forum like this before the whole storm-in-a-teacup started.

    It’s really disappointing (albeit unsurprising) that the ASUO and PFC couldn’t actually manage to open a dialog with you before trying to defund you.

  32. Andy says:

    I’d rather have my spelling or personality criticized than my ideas. Sorry yatch, I typically have more important things to do than worry about spelling on the internet.

    I went to the sea lion caves this weekend. It was a little smelly, but enjoyable.

    (can you get that joke ariel?)

  33. Ariel says:

    And clearly “illeterates” was meant as a joke…

  34. Ariel the Horny Mermaid says:

    Jesus Andy… “garuntee “? Before you ever post anything again cut and paste it into Microsoft Word and spell check shit out of it. You’re in college now (I assume), and this isn’t your diary. If you want anybody, anywhere, at anytime to take anything you write at all seriously, you need to stop spelling like a fourth grader. Thier? Fuck man… that’s awful. You make OC readers look like illeterates… Spell check or stop posting, because this running joke is getting old fast.

  35. Timothy says:

    I say organize a peaceful counterprotest. Just a sign that says something vaguely positive about good ol’ #1 and the OC dingbat. Take film, it’ll be great news when they get violent.

  36. Andy says:

    In all reality, “the terrorists have won,” if you don’t go to the meeting. If you want support, put out the word.

    you guys wouldn’t shed a little blood to stand up for whats right? : )

    you’d be in good historical company…
    I garuntee a few larger members of the most evil party on campus would show for ya.

  37. Big M says:

    I could write that article.

  38. Matt says:

    On second thought about the ‘jokes are funny’ thing…maybe not so much considering the history of our debacle. Instead I propose ‘David Hasselhoff is the Man’. You can’t argue with that…

  39. Matt says:

    Idea: The Uncontroversial Issue.

    Articles could include: Ice Cream is good, kittens are cute, the sun is bright, jokes are funny and so on. We must never offend anyone! That is just mean guys…

  40. Melissa says:

    Good. Let them. At least it’s in public, and not sneaky behind closed doors.

  41. Jan says:

    I can guarantee you that the organizers of this anti-Commentator event don’t give two shits about what other students think. All they’re trying to accomplish is an “us-vs.-them” atmosphere so their personal vendetta can gain momentum. They’re holding a meeting about diversity and inclusion with the sole purpose to single out one group and level charges against them. Personally, I’d give them a wink and a tap on the ass: Release a statement applauding them for exercising their First Amendment rights to peaceably assemble. Then berate them later for being fucking hypocrites–holding a Constitutionally protected meeting to discuss stripping away the First Amendment.

  42. Big M says:

    Well, to add insult to injury, your guys’ fan club is holding a march/demonstration in front of Johnson Hall from 12PM to 2PM on February 17th.

    It’s starting to get a little old, I must say.

  43. Melissa says:

    I didn’t mean to start this kind of talk by making this post.

    What I did mean to point out is how this “safe” forum is organized and all the Commentator gets is the lousy mass email. Being included in the planning of this would have been optimal. Having one of these cheesy forums before the explosive budget hearing would have been nice.

    Too little, too late as far as I’m concerned. What the Office of Student Life doesn’t seem to understand is that this supposed safe forum they offer is not safe for the Commentator at all; we are the only side in this discussion who has really, truly been offered physical harm.

    The forum itself may be safe, but once we leave that room, all bets are off. Who knows what kind of wackos show up to student forums…oh, wait.

    I guess we do know, don’t we?

  44. Blair says:

    Tim’s got a point; the way the current climate is on campus, the only way people are going to be happy is if the Commentator is shut down, or somehow through some miracle unknown, can publish something that doesn’t piss a single soul off.

    All I can really muster now days is an extreme hatred for this school, especially the administrators and students trying to fight “unjust laws”. The sillyness of this really knows no bounds.

  45. Timbo says:

    Yeah, firebomb those assholes along with their ‘art’ and ‘children’!

  46. Timothy says:

    I wrote a very long response, but it was stupid, so I’m posting this instead:

    1) I don’t think it much matters because at this point no matter what we do Toby & Co. will hate the OC. This is proven by Tyler’s offer of 800 words an issue and Toby’s refusal of same.

    2) Not that I think y’all have been, but striking a concilitory tone is futile, so might as well go the whole hog. Publish the Quiroz thing, now, today, and get even more aggressive about your defense, hell make it an offense. I don’t think it’s possible to “cheap shot” somebody who’s threatened you physically and thinks obeying the First Amendment vis-a-vis Commentator is “sleeping with the devil.” Peace in our time nothing, Dresden needs to be leveled.

  47. Jan says:

    You guys should hire a psychiatrist and coordinate “Diagnose Paranoid Schizophrenia Day” for all the people who actually believe college students would whip themselves into a murderous anti-transgender rage after reading a quote from Robocop. These poor souls need proper care and medication.

  48. Matt says:

    Agreed on both parts: no more ‘its’ and these people need to actually read the damn magazine. When I was talking with someone before our infamous meeting one point she brought up against our last issue was that she didn’t understand why the pictures for the writers were the Pacers (she didn’t know they were the pacers however). That was one of her arguments against us. Nevermind the interview with Tonie Nathan, the ballot measure rundown and defintely nothing on Mr. Atkinson’s amazing rebuke to the whole situation. Just read the damn thing for crying out loud!!!

  49. Olly says:

    At the risk of repeating myself: can we drop the “its”, please, Tim?

  50. Timothy says:

    Every time this comes up I wonder if any of them have even read the magazine. Once, ever, that’s all I ask. A whole issue, not just the tiny section Toby has its panties in a twist over. Say, the Libertarian issue from last year, or Dan’s piece on gay marriage, those might be of interest to these Stalinists.

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