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Election Watch: Suge Knight Belatedly Joins Jared/Juliana Slate

  • The ODE has a cornucopia of election-related content this morning (5:30 is too early, wait, late, to be awake):
    • Nick Wilbur’s piece will likely lead, as it contains a synopsis of last night’s debate. Good stuff here: the Dolberg quotes are great. The version that’s online right now is a little rough around the edges copy editing-wise, though.
    • Steve Neuman has what will soon be the annual story about how the ASUO campaigns are using Facebook. Thankfully, Neuman avoids simply regurgitating simple Facebook facts and instead shows how online campaign popularity doesn’t automatically transfer into real votes. Indeed, the Walsh/Coy campaign had a negligible Facebook presence last year. By this logic I’m going to assume that Dolberg/Hartley has a shot.
    • The Emerald also has rather bland Editorial which basically says that they don’t know who they’re going to endorse. Conspicuously absent from their analysis is any mention of Dolberg/Hartley.
    • Their candidate interviews are also now available online.
  • Of course, the best thing in the paper is a follow-up to yesterday’s story about the moron who threw a rock through a Taylor’s window. News Editor Jared Paben reassumes his rightful role of Bar Correspondant to report on how Austin Michael Hauth, a UO Political Science major, was apprehended. His mug shot is not to be missed.
  1. HardCorps says:

    Really!!! Hrm….no cops and no liquor? It may eliminate the need to drink..

  2. Timothy says:

    We shouldn’t need to point that out.

    But personally, I hate cops more than I love liquor.

  3. Anthony says:

    I think we all need to focus on the real crime gentlemen, the man destroyed bottles of alcohol. I am shocked that yall at the “commie hater” wouldn’t point out that obvious crime against humanity.

  4. Miles Rost says:

    That’s why I’d choose Linux, if I was knowledgeable enough.

  5. Ian says:

    Windows are perhaps the best example of the police state in action.

  6. Olly says:

    Well, whatever else it might be, throwing a rock at the liquor display behind the bar at Taylor’s certainly is not “total submission to the police state”. So he’s got that going for him.

    If the cops are trying to arrest you, and you keep trying to leave: yeah, that’s interfering with police.

  7. HardCorps says:

    Anything less than total submission to the police state is treason.

  8. Timothy says:

    Paben hasn’t graduated yet? Is he on the Ikeda plan?

    More to the point, since when is walking away from a cop “interfering with police”?

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