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Election Watch: Another Day, Another Grievance

Another grievance has been filed, this time in response to a story in the Emerald about a party purportedly held on Brown/McLain’s behalf. (As a side note, I’ve been waaay too busy to write a post about the ODE’s story. Maybe later.) The complaintant is Evan Stewart, who indicates in his Facebook profile that he is in a relationship with ASUO Programs Coordinator David Goward (Brown’s co-worker at DDS.) In the grievance, Stewart refers to the story in the Emerald and asks that elections officials investigate the story. Here’s a 89k pdf of the grievance. I believe that Elections Coordinator Ryan Coussens, among others, is investigating the matter as we speak. What a long, long day.

  1. Tyler says:

    Thanks for the warning, Nick. I’ll make sure not to stop at the ODE website.

  2. Ian says:

    I think the real crime here is how little coverage the ODE gave the Adolf Hitler-Mark Wahlberg ticket.

  3. Nick says:

    the ode web site has the latest scoop, but you’ll all have to wait until Montag to see full details. ODE site also has the EIC’s commentary explaining the process that Emerald staff editors went through before deciding to report on the campaign party. SPJ ethics, dedication to readers, and the why and how of controversial newspaper coverage.

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