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Sudsy Wants You to Join the Oregon Commentator

Election Watch: Another debate? Well, I DO love hearing myself talk…

Thanks to a suggestion by Political Science major Alex Deley at tonight’s debate, there will be an impromptu ASUO Presidential debate between Jared Axelrod and Todd Mann tomorrow in the EMU Amphitheatre at 2:00pm. Details are still sketchy, but if I hear anything more before the actual debate I’ll update this post.

  1. emily says:

    I can’t resist any longer–
    Nate, doush is not a word. Douche is a word.

    Whether you or Alex Delay are a doush I cannot say, but you have most certainly closely adhered to the tenets of “douche” thus far.

    Luckily to the amusement of all
    (sorry all, the Off Topic Avenger struck hard this afternoon).

  2. Ian says:

    I couldn’t attend the debate. How’d it go?

  3. bryan says:

    They can kill you, but the legalities of eating you are quite a bit dicier.

  4. Olly says:

    See, this is why unmoderated comments are a good thing. Nate’s endorsements of Jared and Juliana have been coming from a very strange place for a while now, but a pledge to turn the other candidate into “small pies” is even better than his recent balls/melons formulation. Well played, crazy comment section guy.

    Unless… oh, god, does this mean that now we’re going to get in trouble for promoting cannibalism on campus? I suppose it was only a matter of time.

  5. Miles Rost says:

    So, Nate, you’re advocating for Todd’s death now, eh?

  6. Nate says:

    Alex Deley is a doush, but I still would like to see Jared and Todd go at it for real. Jared simply knows the system to well for anyone to debate him on it, especally someone coming from the outside with no experince. Long story short… Jared will make small pies out of Todd’s dead carcass!

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