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In Which I Post A Response To A Comment

Specifically to this comment on a Nick Hudson post a few down.

To say this is not our profession and that we are just students is to say that those who represent us in congress are just citizens.

You say that as if the statement is false. The congresscritters are just citizens: duly elected citizens who should be busy doing the will of the electorate. Not that a Constitutional Republic is going to become Libertopia in this day and age, but once long-ago such a thing was possible. They no longer fear the citizenry, or perhaps they fear us too much and are thusly protective of their own power, but I digress.

I say our profession because some of us take sudden government seriously.

I also take sudden government seriously, it’s likely to be even more insidious and freedom-killing than slowly-developed government. Student government, on the other hand, is a farce of epic proportions.

We should be professional when it concerns student government because we deal with other peoples money. In fact we allocate millions of dollars of other peoples money. This is minor league politics and student government is serious business.

That’s right, you do spend millions of dollars of other people’s money, and on what? Mostly things none of those other people want or care about. Be honenest with yourself for a minute, do you think that the average UO student actually cares if the MCC gets an extra $1000 to buy pizza for some ridiculous event? Does the typical student get anything out of the childcare subsidy? No. Like all government the ASUO is beholden to the special interest goups that elect its members. You want to save students money? Stop. Doing. Stupid. Shit. Don’t use student dollars for retreats to Sun River, don’t moronically place solar panels on the EMU, and sure as hell don’t actually pay yourselves to do it. Care about taking other people’s money, eh? Feel good to be a pickpocket?

Yes, the OC gets incidental fee funding (in the neighborhood of $15,000 a year), but guess what? Not a single person on staff gets paid. Not one. Every cent goes directly into publishing a student magazine read by UO students. The website is paid for privately. Other student groups can’t say the same thing: every ASUO position, ASUO interns, the MCC, the damn Insurgent has stipends! The Insurgent. Think about that for a second. Think about every cent that benefits no-one but its direct receiver, and remember that every last penny you put into the pocket of some bubbly Suite 4 intern was stolen from some other student who, quite frankly, probably had plans for it. You people go on about lowering the cost of education, and yet you insist on raising the Incidental Fee every year: the only part of education costs over which you have direct control keeps going up. Actions are what people care about, and the ASUO has proven time and again that it is absolutely not serious about serving the true interests of students. And yet you wonder why we don’t take you seriously?

I’m sorry Anthony thinks this is a big joke, student leaders spend long hours advocating for students who don’t even know they exist. To say this is not our profession and that we are just students is to say that those who represent us in congress are just citizens.

Cry me a river. You ASUO clowns act like it’s so bloody difficult to waste time and money. “Wow, we like, totally went to Salem and like talked about issues”. Please. “Oh no, don’t sell Westmoreland!” Whatever. Get it through your head: You’re just students. Just. Students. You have to earn respect like everyone else, and the ASUO has an abysmal record. Nobody cares because there’s no reason to: regardless, the incidental fee will go up, the Student Senate will approve virtually every special request that comes to it, and OSPIRG will get their money. I spent four years and as many Executives watching the ASUO, and I’ll tell you something: nothing ever changes. We can go ’round and ’round about exactly why that is, but thus it is and ever shall be. When we defunded OSPRIG fair-and-square, MUNGER got a special initiative organized to give their money back. How’s that for serving the will of the students?

Or, a more recent example, the Conduct Code. The ASUO takes on-face that there should be such a thing. The rest is a matter of degree. Further, it doesn’t matter what the student opinion is, Frohnmeyer and his army of zombies will do what they please anyway. Case-and-point: dry frats.

Nick Hudson is a very passionate person, and in being so he issued a very passionate resignation. This is not “hilarious”. Student politics will not be taken seriously as long as students don’t take them seriously. We are in college, grow up.

What’s more adult: hopelessly clinging to a deluded image of the noble public servant doing his/her best for everyone, or realizing that the whole exercise is hopelessly broken and learning to deal with it?

  1. Adam Turcott says:

    I think you’re the only one that wants that out of this bunch Ian.

  2. Adam Turcott says:

    I’m flattered to see that my post got a special blog spot. I’m also sorry the OC has not pursued stipends. Also my typing needs some work. It’s all fun and games to make fun of the ASUO (and it’s incredibly easy) but this all results in the third grade mentality of putting someone down to make yourself feel better. Perhaps instead of this we start a dialogue about how things can be improved and not making fun of the fact that I typed sudden instead of student (I still can’t figure out how I did that.)

  3. Ian says:

    All I know is that Tim’s original post is one of the more complete bitch-slaps I’ve seen delivered on this site.

  4. HardCorps says:

    omg kiss my ass you guys.. lol.

    AKI – While your heart is in the right place, it’s like saying bank robbers should be in charge of our savings accounts.

  5. Timothy says:

    Bryan: YES!

  6. bryan says:

    What HardCorps’ comment really goes to show you is that the best overwrought manifestoes are borne from a close reading of old Police lyrics.

  7. The All Knowing Insider says:

    You guys hit it on the head. The ASUO is a joke. I am in it and at least I can recognize that fact. It is hard to take things seriously when debate arises over a few hundred dollars of office supplies, but not the hundreds of thousands of dollars going off campus? Seriously! The ASUO can function with or without the elected student officials and no matter who holds what office does it ever really change? No. I find it hard that people can take their job so serious when the are still afraid to vote to fund on a certain budget with a certain debated position that would have take a few certain thousand student dollars off campus. No one with respect the ASUO until it grows some cahones and starts fighting for students and their money. All the wanna be politicians need to open their eyes. The OC Staff hit the nail on the head…like always…

  8. HardCorps says:

    I am repeatedly repulsed every time the ASUO shows its ass to the world. Working long hard hours…while being paid with undeserved, STUDENTS money, right?

    Good – I hope everyone working at the asuo resigns in disgust over what they have done, the institution of deceit they promote, and out of shame for what they have done to students in the past. This election was just another farce perpetrated by the delusional “public servants” who wallow in suite four.

    Student political speech should be strong, but you smite it with your haughty views of hate speech and “diversity.” We all know that diversity cannot exist unless laws and force are used to promote it. Student politics on the other hand should not exist because we know far to well the vile, ill-wrought gains it has for anyone who has been placed in power by an incestuous marriage of pubescent politicians and greedy minority groups – all consecrated by the green tape hoax.
    Know this – that your secrets are not safe due to the malice and web of lies you spin to justify your own selfish positions there.

    We are watching, and we have made a promise to our fellow deserving students who put more time and energy into gaining their degree than you will ever in a million years at the asuo. We have made a promise to them to represent their interests and abolish yours.

    Please, continue to post your tripe here so that we the students may know all of your arrogant beliefs.

    You all may avoid justice for the near future, but you are only delaying the consequences which will grow with every misstep you take, every misspoken word, every mistake you make. For we are watching, and listening, and scheming until that glorious day when your judgment is delivered. Until then, may your sleep be filled with nightmares, and may your every step be taken in fear.

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