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Volokh On Insurgent

Eugene Volokh, of the eponymous Conspiracy and UCLA Law, tackles the Insurgent/SoF mini-debacle:

In any case, cheers for the University of Oregon, and a mild Bronx cheer to the Students of Faith. I understand why they’re offended, and I understand that undergraduates can’t be expected to know the ins and outs of First Amendment jurisprudence. But if you’re making assertions about First Amendment law — as the students were doing in their grievance — then you ought to check them with a First Amendment lawyer. And if you’re making arguments for why certain speech should be excluded from university-supported publications, it would help to think harder about the implications of those arguments for speech besides the sort that has made you angry in this particular case.

I know the Students of Faith have been claiming the support of five (?) local attorneys. I’m not sure what legal basis they were/are asserting for their challenge, but I’d be very interested to hear more about it.

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