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Emerald Compares Pac-10 Student Governments

The Emeralds Jill Aho has a fantastic piece in todays ODE, detailing the Incidental Fee budget, and comparing it to other Universities in the Pac-10. Without going into too much detail, the U of O has the largest student-administered budget, and the most independent student government in the conference, a fact which sheds considerable light on the ASUO’s perennial inability to control its budget. This story is must-read material for anyone who is concerned with out-of-control growth in the incidental fee. Kudos, Jill!

  1. Andy says:

    Yes, very casually allocated, as in with little effort. But I suppose I should be happy with that; I wouldn’t want to see a concerted effort to raise it even more.

  2. Jacque says:

    nope but I might say that it is casually allocated in addition the regular or main amount 😉

  3. Ian says:


    Would you really categorize a ~$600/year fee as a minor expense?

  4. Niedermeyer says:

    Jill’s piece today (history of the ASUO) really shatters the notion that things have been going as they are forever. More importantly, it proves that things really can be changed.

  5. Jacque says:

    FYI Check out definition #2-5…

  6. Rockne Roll says:

    Now if only they could call it something other than the “Incidental Fee.” It doesn’t “occur without intention or calculation,” which is what incidental means. How about the “Premeditated Ripoff Fee”

    At least the ODE has the guts to call ASUO on it’s massive budget. Up here in Cowtown, ASOSU spends grotesque amounts of money and The Barometer praises them every step of the way. Hooray for journalism and government working hand-in-hand to achieve nothing of importance.

  7. Melissa says:

    I agree.

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