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Food for Thought

I have finally decided how I will choose who I will be voting for in the Primary elections this year. The AP asked all the ’08 candidates “What is your favorite food to cook?” It seems to me that John Edwards doesn’t know what side of the line he’s on. I guess its true: Republicans are meat-eating hawks and Democrats are, well, everybody else.


Delaware Sen. Joe Biden: Pasta

New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton: “I’m a lousy cook, but I make pretty good soft scrambled eggs.”

Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd: “An August New England dinner: Lobster, corn and tomatoes.”

Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards: Hamburgers

Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Hot water, according to his wife, Elizabeth. Doesn’t cook. A vegan, he favors fresh fruits and vegetables.

Illinois Sen. Barack Obama: Chili

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson: Diet milkshake


Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback: Beef

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani: Hamburgers or steak on the grill

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee: Ribeye steak on the grill

California Rep. Duncan Hunter: Chicken fried venison.

Arizona Sen. John McCain: Baby-back ribs

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney: Hot dog

Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo: Doesn’t cook.

  1. T says:

    The gold standard? No. Listen, I’m not going to be like the dudes over at Hit and Run who have raging hard-ons for Paul because he was once a libertarian presidential nominee. I know that many of his ideas are fucking ridiculous (like his Tancredo-like policy on immigration)

    Still, you’ve got to admit that he’s more fiscally responsible than much of the Republican leadership.

  2. Niedermeyer says:

    I don’t think it’s a coincidence that many of the Republican presidential hopefulls have been called RINO before, considering the term has been used to narrow “Republicanism” to a point where it has become divorced from it’s ideological heritage, reality and practicality. A non-RINO will not win the nomination, let alone the whole enchilada, and as a country we’re better off for it. As Olly points out, since we have only two parties, they had better be pretty inclusive… the rise of the RINOs will (hopefully) bring back some tolerance/sanity to the Republican party.

  3. ChrisD says:

    Oh, right. I guess forgot about all of those studies that correlate diet with effectiveness as an elected official.

  4. Anthony says:

    “I mean, they eat beef! That means they can, like, defend America!!!”-ChrisD

    Hmmm compared to some vegan hippie? Probably yeah I would put money on that saying yes.

  5. Olly says:

    “I imagine this is because this whole concept of

  6. ChrisD says:

    Whether a r(h?)ino or not, I’m totally impressed with how butch all of the Republican eating habits are!! I mean, they eat beef! That means they can, like, defend America!!!

  7. T says:

    That’s not necessarily true, Anthony. A Republican In Name Only can be any republican who goes against the grain of his party. It’s a rather nebulous term, and it has been applied to Paul on numerous occasions in the past; I imagine this is because this whole concept of “fiscal responsibility” that Paul professes is not a pillar of republican party politics anymore.

  8. Anthony says:

    How is that CJ? a rino is slang for a LIBERAL republican…

  9. CJ Ciaramella says:

    I think you just answered your own question, actually.

  10. Steve says:

    How exactly is Ron Paul a rino? Ron Paul is more conservative than any of the the GOP candidates running.

  11. Niedermeyer says:

    How’s Huckabee gonna keep the weight off eating those ribeyes?

  12. Simg says:

    Ron Paul is the best Rino ever. I hope Paul and Gavel get the nominations, it’d be real horror show.

  13. Miles says:

    I like Fred Thompson’s answer: “The Democrat’s Head”.

  14. Anthony says:

    I like Brownback’s response- BEEF. haha so simple and to the point.

  15. Sho says:

    Apparently, Tancredo is too much of a man to even get near a stove (he’ll just unwittingly hire an illegal immigrant to cook for him).

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