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ASUO already rolling in surplus

The Student Senate has already racked up a $186,870 budget surplus this year, thanks in large part to unspent money by student groups from the last fiscal year.

This number is likely to grow because of the glut of incoming freshmen. (That means more students to pay the incidental fee. Cha-ching!) With all this extra dough floating around, you’d think the ASUO budget would be adjusted accordingly, wouldn’t you? For example, with the surplus and all the new freshmen, wouldn’t it make sense to lower the incidental fee next term? And didn’t we vote in a bunch of bright-eyed, reform-minded senators last year? This is it, kiddos – time to make good on all those campaign promises. Hopefully you haven’t all become jaded and corrupted over the course of two weeks.

UPDATE: It’s been brought to my attention that the money gained from extra freshmen will not go into the surplus fund. The surplus fund is only money that rolled over from the last year; the money from extra freshmen will be put into the over-realized fund. My bad for getting all of the ASUO’s various piles of extra money confused.

  1. de lancie says:

    well thank you tim. i try.

  2. Timothy says:

    Ossie: Well, Nicole is nothing if not an astute judge of character.

  3. Ossie says:

    Timothy, I’m sitting in class with Nicole and she just called you a smart assed little bitch.

    Athan Papailliou, the Senate president as of last night, seems to want to work on solutions to the over-realized and surplus this year, and the inefficient use of money from term to term, but the Senate once again seems to be split on every single issue, with several “Gulley-ite” money mongrels eyeing ways to waste my money, so I will be surprised if much progress is made.

    I waste enough of my money already on booze and hookers, I don’t need anyone else wasting more of it.

  4. Timothy says:

    “Over-realized” is ASUO-speak for “money we took from you this year for no reason and will not give back under any circumstances.” On the other hand, “surplus” is ASUO-speak for “money we took from other people in previous years and will not give back to them nor anyone else nor use for any constructive purpose, ever.”

  5. Thanks, Nicole, and you shouldn’t feel bad about correcting stuff. I guess I just got “over-realized” and “surplus” confused because, y’know, they sound pretty much the same.

  6. de lancie says:

    I do not like to correct fellow OC members, especially on the blog, however I think it important to point out that the money from “extra” incoming freshman does not go into the Surplus account. It is separated into Over-realized. Remember the $800,000 from last year? Surplus does not grow through out the year, at least to my knowledge. Just FYI

  7. Niedermeyer says:

    Word, CJ, Word.

  8. Jan says:

    A jaded and corrupted ASUO senator? And how!

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