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OSPIRG on the loose


OSPIRG tabling outside of the EMU

Just when you thought you’d never see the annoying succubus we call OSPIRG, here they are once again getting in the way of your path to lunch at the EMU.

Although last year’s executive succeeded in pushing the group off campus for the 2009-10 school year, the lobbyist group remains here on campus. As Robert D’Andrea from the Daily Emerald pointed out a few days ago, the group remains in its office down in Suite 1 of the EMU. Its employees are being paid by the state of Oregon PIRG to continue to do their “good work”.

So far their “work” consists of bothering people on their way to Subway and handing out little yellow fliers during classes the first week of school.

What people need to remember is that OSPIRG is off campus for a reason. They have, for years, failed to prove that they return anything to the University of Oregon campus. Whether or not your opinion of the group’s “work” is good or bad, you need to realize that making OSPIRG part of the mandatory I-Fee for every student is ludicrous. Do you want tuition to go to pay for things outside the University of Oregon, or worse, Eugene? The answer is no, and we should make it clear that their organization is not wanted on this campus.

Let’s not forget the greed involved with this group as well, shall we? Last year the ACFC proposed a new budget for OSPIRG for this upcoming year at around $30,000 (give or take). OSPIRG balked at the idea, presumably because they thought they could get back their full $120,000 instead.

OSPIRG is preying on the fact that every year, kids graduate from this university and there is a fresh new crop of people who have no idea who they are and what they do. They are able to set up tables like the one above and brainwash kids into thinking the group is necessary. The next time you see someone talking to the guys at the OSPIRG table or holding one of those yellow fliers, stop them and tell them the real deal.

Tell them OSPIRG doesn’t belong on this campus.

  1. Brendan says:

    That darn OSPIGGY, it just ain’t kosher!

  2. Miles Rost says:

    It’s quite simple. If you see an OSPIRGer, beat them until they are no longer able to move. The lesson will take effect pretty quickly.

  3. C.T. Behemoth says:

    A recurring cancer, so long as they keep acting like they have been.

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