Ol’ Dirty’s Attempt to Save Trees Deemed Outragiously Racist
On March 6, during an intramural basketball game, a fight broke out between opponents from each team. Becky Metrick covered the story the next day in Daily Emerald, which can be found here. Today, the Emerald‘s front page features an article by Josephine Woolington covering the meeting organized by Kendaris Hill (former president of the Black Student Union). According to the concerned students of the Black Student Union, the Ol’ Dirty‘s placement of the photo (probably the first or third one in the series here) of Amin Tufa being taken into custody by DPS officers was inappropriate. The picture was placed on the front page next to an unrelated headline regarding crime in the West University neighborhood.
Let me just say a few things:
1. Black people have been on the front page of newspapers before! It’s not a new thing.
2. Crime happens. And if it happens next to or on campus, perhaps it should be covered in the campus newspaper, no?
3. I sure as hell did not immediately pin all of the crime conducted West of campus on Tufa when reading the headline. That would be racial profiling.
4. Finally, Black Student Union… You do know that the editor-in-chief of the Emerald is black himself, right?
Editor-in-chief Tyree Harris as quoted by Woolington in today’s Ol’ Dirty: “The story was clearly questioning everything involved in the situation. […] Nobody in the newsroom was trying to portray this story in a stereotypical way.” I agree with Harris’s assertion that the stories were indeed questioning the situation.
Apparently, theĀ Ol’ Dirty better think twice before putting a picture of a black man next to the word “crime” in a cramped newspaper– lest they hurt somebody’s feelings. Ol’ Dirty, why must you be so environmentally conscious so as to save space by putting your stories so close together! Haha, I kid, but basically, these complaints translate to: “It confuses people when the word ‘crime’ and a picture of a black man appear together but do not relate nor coincide!”
So, perhaps the next step is to start giving each story a 1.5 inch border between it and any other story, making the newspaper a more safe and pleasant thing to read. However, complications may arise with the Climate Justice League. Seems likeĀ Ol’ Dirty is in some hot water! The links to the ODE stories are above– Your thoughts?
I believe that the comments and action by Kendaris Hill (former president of the Black Student Union) are the reason that crimes committed by black people (black on black etc.) is under reported in the news and accepted as a kinda normal rather than getting the national attention it deserves.