“Win” acheived by EMU Task Force
With 4,006 total votes in the last EMU referendum, the decision to renovate won by 1,811 votes.
Outlined in red above is the advice of RBI strategies to the EMU Task Force. It was also included in the public records released a week ago. UO Matters has the scoop. This surly Commentator will belatedly summarize the sickening disregard for public records law. It was only after the elections that the redacted “public” documents were released, here.
The emails of Holmes, Gottfredson and Lariviere are heavily redacted per ORS 192.502 (1, 2, 8, 9). The names of the members of the EMU Task Force are redacted as well as about four page-sized chunk.
What’s more, they illustrate “the opponent” as narrow-minded, yet politically active and engaged with opinions born out of misconception.
The heavy elision of this material must be protested. Surely they can’t be hiding behind FERPA for this?
I aim to find out. In the meantime, file a complaint with the Board of Education. A modest example of a complaint:
The Office of Public Records at the University of Oregon redacted a slew of information from emails sent via a public account regarding public affairs. It is very possible that FERPA was used to justify redacting these documents when they were indeed not educational documents at all.
In the end, I am glad I won’t be here to pay for a shiny new EMU that I won’t be using.
We should write up a piece of legislation requiring the Public Records Department to cite what legal reason they are using for each individual redaction. More accountability, and potentially streamlining the process of fighting any and all unjust censorship.