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Racist is as racist does.

November 15th, 2006 by Andy

Ty Schwoeffermann is a racist.

Now you may not think that the Dirty would see it fit to print such tripe, but you won’t believe your eyes.
In Ty’s latest diatribe about racial purity, he attacks interracial relationships; “I’m no love doctor, but I see too many black men or women making bad decisions when they get into unhealthy relationships with white men or women.” So race determines if a person is dating material in Ty’s opinion. Maybe he thinks that people can’t be color blind for love, but in a country so racially integrated as the United States, it is outright ignorance to claim that interracial dating is “unhealthy.” Saying that only blacks and whites shouldn’t date is equally egregouis. As Ty seems to be clearly a product of an interracial relationship, is he saying that his birth was a bad decision?

I am not-white but my girlfriend of five years is, and the biggest problems in our relationship has been distance, school, family issues, etc…you know like the same problems that anyone has regardless of what race you are. Never has race been an issue in my relationship and in fact I am taking her to meet the other side of my family in Ecuador on vacation this Christmas.
If Ty wants to improve race relations in this country, he should focus on breaking down stereotypes – not calling for segregation!

The only hole the self-described media mole’s head is in is his asshole.