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Sudsy Wants You to Join the Oregon Commentator

January 28th, 2003 by olly

OK, just this last one, then I promise I will leave poor old Aaron Shakra alone:

But I need to remember that I make the choice, and I can slow down, and remember that each moment doesn’t replace the next, they all just grow into each other.

No, each moment certainly doesn’t replace the next. Wouldn’t that mean time was… moving backwards?

Oh, this is too easy. I’m sorry. I’ll stop.

January 27th, 2003 by Sho

Did you know…

that the Daily Emerald has their own weblog? No, you probably didn’t, but now you do. It’s really not a blog per se, but a collection of online diary entries. There is so much potential spew. Here’s a gem from entertainment reporter Aaron Shakra’s deep thoughts:

“Here a history of a human is written one word at a time. These are my paintings on the caves in the walls. We each have our own. Each is so fleeting. So unique.”

Who thinks Aaron’s trying to impress the ladies with this one? I do!

Here’s a revealing confession from columnist Meghann Farnsworth’s latest entry:

“My biggest frustration as a journalist is that I am not one.”

Hmm, well, I thought that was pretty obvious from your unintelligible columns, Meghan.

Anyway, I encourage all of you to check these out. It’s great entertainment.