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Speaking of Drudge

This story about German Satanists is pretty interesting. By ‘interesting’ I of course mean, “frightening and sick beyond all human capacity to rationalize.”

The Washington Post is apparently having some trouble understanding deficit spending. I especially like the bit in the first paragraph about this “worsening the government’s financial outlook” or some such nonsense. FYI: Deficit spending is GOOD during times of recession and economic struggle. Sure, it crowds out some private spending, but the tax cuts should level that out a bit.

And, from our very own Register Guard, it seems that kids in Singapore do better in school. I’m sure that American students would do much better under penalty of caning and other forms of abuse. You know, it’s illegal to chew GUM in Singapore. That’s right, no gum.

Anyone interested in gun rights should read this thread on Instapundit. And, while I’m on the subject of guns, I’d like to note something I covered in an earlier link. There’s a scene in Bowling for Columbine where Michael Moore goes into a bank, opens an account, and comes out with a free gun. Now, if I remember correctly, it is a FEDERAL CRIME to even possess a firearm inside of a bank branch. Would this mean that Moore has effectively filmed himself committing a felony?

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