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Max’s in Maxim

According to one of my sources (Olly), Max’s is featured as the “bar of the month” in the newest issue of Maxim. The story isn’t online yet, but I look forward to reading it as soon as I can my hands on an unprotein stained copy.

Has anyone actually seen the Rennie’s Landing movie? I was unaware that it had actually been made. Apparently yes, and according to IMDB parts of it were filmed in Eugene. Can I pick this up at Flix and Pix? Blockbuster? Hollywood? I’ve tried the online movie stores, Amazon and E-bay and none of them have it….

Finally, I’ve been using the new census results for my specialized reporting class, and some of the results were pretty interesting. You guys should try typing your addresses in and looking at the results for your block group. The neighborhood from Patterson to Willamette between 13th and 18th is 99% rentals, if I remember correctly.

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