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Sudsy Wants You to Join the Oregon Commentator

It Stinks!

Yeah, the new one. It’s not good. Don’t waste your damn money.

In much more disturbing news. JUMPIN’ JESUS ON A POGO STICK!. Probably the worst case of police misconduct in recent memory. Beating up somebody who’s under arrest is bad, shooting a guy who’s reaching for his wallet is bad, but this takes it. Worse, the locals seem to support the police at least to some extent. Damn, if my kid was involved the school district and police department would be receiving a nice little package labled “lawsuit.” This sort of garbage will continue as long as we let public schools operate on the “in place of the parent” principle. A student’s liberty really does end at the school door, despite the Tinker v. Desmoines ruling…kids can wear a black arm band to school in protest of VietNam, but heaven forbid they expect other constitutional protections from the agents of the state running the schools.

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