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A Reasonable Person Could, Under A Certain Set of Circumstances (many of which do not need to be enumerated here), Call This Convoluted

Let me start with this: I like Steven DenBeste, generally. He’s usually insightful, thoughtful, and reasoned. In fact, I believe that his writing is almost always those things. But, his latest offering simply rambles on and on. He starts with some point about Microsoft, Netscape, and Sun. Mostly that Netscape and Sun made the mistake of telling Microsoft that they were out to destroy it. He says something about boxing…then he talks about D-Day, and how that invasion was kept a secret. Finally, he gets around to his main point: it’s good that the USA did not announce its total strategy in the Middle East right at the start of the War On Terror because that would’ve made said same strategy harder to pursue. His point makes sense, but it takes him FOREVER to get there. It’s worth reading, but skim it. This one’s much too long to read in full.

Other Things Going On:

***Colorado beat Chicago in NHL hockey last night. Yay for that, I’m sure Olly is happy.

***The Sniper Trial started today

***And, lastly, you’ve got to read this just for the headline.

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