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Attack Of The Paleoliberals

Courtesy of Andrew Hagen. One part of me says yes. Another part of me says meh. Probably the largest part of me says fantastic, just what we need, more terminology. On the other hand, as he points out, there’s a pleasing symmetry in having the “paleo-” prefix apply to isolationists of all political stripes.

I’ve always had a sneaking suspicion that, in order for something to qualify as a political label, there has to be at least one person willing to stand up and self-identify as one. (So “Idiotarian” doesn’t work, kids.) Has that happened with the paleocons yet? I mean, Pat Buchanan’s latest foray into journalism is still The American Conservative, not The American Paleoconservative. Or maybe it isn’t. I tried to go to their website and it caused Mozilla to die, taking with it an earlier draft of this post, so as far as I’m concerned it might as well be called The American Wingnut.

See also Michael Totten‘s discussion. Portland in the house.

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