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Drunks “will be thrown out of Eugene”

There’s a great letter in the Ol’ Dirty today from one “Dorothy Bucher”. Ms. Bucher is upset about all you damn drunk kids, and she knows that the best way to deal with it is to have the University step in:

We citizens of Eugene, who pay the taxes for the sheriff’s department and their men, and for the police department, are getting very upset at having to pay for huge amounts of police force action, when at Halloween, (or any other time of the year) the police and all their men have to go into drunken, rioting parties done by the students of the University, break them up and restore peace and order.


I am aware of several groups, right now, who are very angry about this and may start to take legal actions against the University and its dean, because they are not handling drunken students properly, and are not throwing them out of the school, or at least paying for their discipline themselves. This may result in the citizen groups actually suing, or demanding in some legal way, money from the University to pay for the huge amounts of taxes we have to spend to provide police and sheriff’s men to discipline the drunks who get “cranky” from the University.

I really do suggest that you actively inform a lot of your student groups that this may eventually come down, and their students who act out, will be thrown out of Eugene, or have their parents pay a lot of money for police actions. I am only warning you about this because it would be much better to nip this action in the bud, rather than have lots of costly legal work and a lot of conflict between the University and many of its taxpayers’ groups.

Well, this Dorothy Bucher lady is quite the concerned Eugeanean. Let’s do two Google searches for some other comments and letters of hers, shall we?

Talk to us‘ (Sep. 9, 2006):

I have only been back to Eugene,OR,which is my home town,for about 3 months,and already I see developers wanting to turn it into the wrecked California I just left.Ok,guys,if 37 is that bad,get your friends,voters and radicals together,and overturn it!!NOW!

So, she’s lived in Eugene for about five months.

  1. Melissa says:

    Dorothy Butcher. Eugene’s own reincarnation of Carrie Nation… and aptly named.

  2. Ian says:

    Oh my, that’s a golden comment right there. Five paragraphs, nine scare quotes.

  3. niedermeyer says:

    More magic from Miss B, commenting on one of ‘Ol Dirty’s more Slaterian pieces in a while…

    Concerned isn’t the word.

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