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Election Day 2006: If You’re Still Sober, You Probably Hate Freedom

  • The latest lines (updated in real time):

    Price for Republican Party 2006 Mid Term Election Control at

    Price for Republican Party 2006 Mid Term Election Control at

    Price for Oregon Governor Race at

    (Hat-tip: Nanomics.)

  • Voting in Oregon via mail is easy and secure. Electronic voting, on the other hand, is massively vulnerable to fraud and prone to error. I’m not a Democrat, but Senator Wyden is right on the money on this one. (If you value your own sanity, don’t click the “View Comments” link on that page.)
  • Wonkette’s 2006 Midterm Binge Drinking Game is a must-use this year.
  • FOX News fucked up Radley Balko’s election article.
  • Reason’s Nick Gillespie will be liveblogging later tonight. So after you break your TV by throwing your remote at Brit Hume or Anderson Cooper, hop back onto your computer and check out Reason.
  • Those looking for timely and non-rabid election day updates would be wise to check out Hotline On Call.
  1. Niedermeyer says:

    Yeah, I’m just not sure how much political benefit there is to serving up Rumsfeld on a platter just because the R’s lost some elections. In fact it speaks to their real priorities: a bungled occupation and a major prison abuse scandal won’t get you fired, but “losing” partisan elections will.

  2. T says:

    My problem: Same ol’, same ol’. But, hey, things might improve. Dear Lord, let them improve.

  3. Ian says:

    More on Gates here.

  4. Ian says:

    I don’t know if he’ll be just as bad as Rumsfeld. He had that little incident with the Contras back in the day, but he is from the so-called “realist” school of foreign policy, not a neo-conservative.

    Take this for what you will, but the conventional wisdom among TV pundits seems to be that Bush 41’s foreign policy crew is extremely critical of the way Bush 43’s people have handled the war and the entrance of Bob Gates will mean a significant change in the way it is conducted, for better or worse.

    The real question is, even if he makes the right moves is it simply too little, too late? Probably.

  5. Dustin says:

    To be honest I don’t know anything about Rummy’s replacement now perhaps you could elaborate on why old whats his name is just as crappy.

  6. T says:

    Yeah, that is quite a bit more sensible than Barton’s plan (essentially: shoot on site.)

    Rumsfeld stepped down, only to have Bush nominate someone just as crappy. Live long and prosper, beloved spoils system.

  7. Dustin says:

    The president and the senate had agreed on an immigration plan that was sensible. A guest worker program coupled with earned citizenship for the laborers who have kept our economy afloat. Niedermeyer has convinced me that legalizing the “illegals” will help fix the social security crises to boot. If we want these immigrants to assimilate, learn english, and buy into the American dream we have to give them legal status. The Republican House killed this legislation. In other good news Donald Rumsfeld has stepped down.

  8. T says:

    Dustin: Joe Barton is indeed an asshat, especially when it comes to immigration. So I’m wondering: What you mean by “real immigration reform?”

  9. Dustin says:

    Bush took his small victory in ’04 as a mandate for his policies instead of realizing how lucky he was to run against a pitifully mismanaged campaign. Now the liberal’s are taking this election as a sign that conservatives have finally “wised up” and realized that they were wrong about the war, and the awful Democrat platform. The story is not how the Democrats won but how Republican corruption and arrogance forced Americans to send them a message. I hope they got the message so we can throw the bums, who just got power back, out in ’08.

  10. Dustin says:

    I may spit on the Republicans but I poop on the Dems.

  11. Jacob Daniels says:

    Today is a sad day. Nancy Pelosi is the next speaker of the House.

  12. Niedermeyer says:

    Says the man who “spit on the Republican party” in his last column…

  13. Dustin says:

    If the Dem’s can win it makes you wonder if this whole democracy thing is really worth while. The media is already pushing this as a mandate against the war and overcome with glee thinking of all the invesitgations the new house will undoubtly launch. It’s a dark day for America.

    The only thing keeping me from utter despair is the fact that we should finally see some real immigration reform and Joe Barton (R-TX) won’t be able to hold up the Combating Autism Act.

  14. Ian says:

    TradeSports has swung heavily in favor of the Dems in the past hour, especially in the House.

  15. Timothy says:

    Typical, if sad, that Fox would do that.

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