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State to pot growers: stay in Cali.


Not to make a shameless plug, but this article from Thursday’s News Register will be interesting for you stoners out there. Oregon’s many narcotics teams are honing their skills of busting DTOs (drug-trafficking organizations); plant seizures are up 85 percent in the state from this time last year. State agencies believe they are slowing the surge of growers who have ventured north from California to Oregon, where the soil and weather are primo for growing grass and there is lots of shade to hide under.


California growers are feeling the heat, so are moving north. The push began several years ago in Southern Oregon timber country, but has begun to move on north into Oregon’s Coast Range timberlands.

  1. Danimal says:

    I think Ted’s concerned that maybe while you asked that simple question, you weren’t wearing pants.

    Kinda reads that way: “I just want to be 100% clear on this.” Total pantsless tone.

  2. Olly says:

    “Also, let

  3. Niedermeyer says:

    CJ: Law enforcement collusion with weed growers (as I understand it) is typically a very local thing (i.e. rural sheriffs). The interagency and county task forces always get a hefty haul, but it’s a drop in the bucket. Let’s just say these facts are well documented in northern Cali (as in, look in the Knight Library), which means they almost definately hold true for large swaths of southern Oregon.

    Also, I would like to make it clear that there is no way that any growth in the timber industry (short of clearcutting the entire state) is going to replace the wacky tobaccy as the rural income source of choice. Keep in mind that this is the number one cash crop in the country we’re talking about, let alone the state of Oregon.

    Also, let’s be decent in our righteous obliteration of arguments we disagree with, shall we?

  4. Timothy says:

    Ted: Olly is known to brandish a goddamned gigantic flaming sword as he comes shrieking out of the heavens to mete out vengeance according to some divinely inspired plan we mere mortals cannot begin to comprehend, it’s true.

    Miles: Don’t you have, like, some tentacle pr0n to research or something? Seriously, though, you’re proposing that the timber industry should get together with the cops to interfere in the pot market so that dealers you like collect a premium? Is there some crucial link between growing pot in the woods and being a disreputable source for the wacky tobbacky that I’m just not getting? Are you, in fact, high?

    Ossie: I agree with Tyler.

  5. Dude, if there’s collusion between cops and pot growers, it must be a hell of a deal considering the narcs seized about 50 bajillion pounds of weed this summer.

    Second of all, we don’t have time to follow up on this. We’re supposed to be breaking the story on the Knight Library public sex ring, remember?

  6. Ossie says:

    Damn it, I hate you all. The only time this blog receives comments is on asinine threads that begin as a simple shameless plug.

    And to all you who “just read” the blog: this ain’t a news service, it’s a discussion board. Don’t be that guy that shows up to the committee meeting and is too afraid to say anything.


  7. T says:

    “Ossie, I like the way you think.”

    Run, Ossie! Run far away!

  8. Miles says:

    That would actually be good reading. Ossie, I like the way you think.

  9. Ossie says:

    Ted: are you saying that you want to volunteer to write a 3,000-word investigative report on conspiracies between police and drug lords?

  10. Miles says:

    Ted: Hence the reason why I believe Logging should increase.

    Make it more rare, gets you more money.

    And Olly, thank you for at least giving what Tyler and Meghann cannot seem to ever give: A good response. The bulk of my response is in regards to the last part of my comment, and the last part of your inquiry, about reputable dealers, in which I invoke the age old question:

    If you cannot trust your dealer, who can you trust?

  11. Niedermeyer says:

    Olly, it’s nice to know you are out there giving us sinners a few chances to redeem our flawed logic, poor argumentation and unnecessary antagonism before swooping down and raining fierce justice upon our half-baked tropes. I like to think of you as the guardian angel of this little blogs sanity.

    Miles, let’s just agree that lots of pot grows everywhere in Oregon, a bunch of it burns in every wildfire in Oregon, and no intended disrespect to any family members, but most local law enforcement is in on the game in some way. The death of the timber industry gave rise to the pot industry, buddy, not the other way around.

  12. Wubba Wubba says:

    This is strange. You have one guy talking about a plausible idea, one guy who is trying to use questions as a way to debate a talking point and doing a good job, and two people who aren’t contributing anything to the conversation. Good show to Olly, and “okay” show to Miles (for at least getting this started).

    I agree with CJ. This is the pinnacle of human achievement…which makes me worry about the world we live in.

  13. Internet debate is pretty much the pinnacle of human achievement.

  14. Olly says:

    “Tyler, you

  15. Miles says:

    Not to mention that there were two stories done by the Oregonian in and around August 1st, 2002, that explain the issue involving marijuana, it’s growth in the Illinois Valley, plus the fact that it was considered some of the “primo grow.”

  16. Miles says:

    Tyler, you’re looking like Meghann now. Can’t find a way to constructively talk about the argument, so you go argumentum ad hominem. Quite pathetic, really.

    As far as the whole disputation of fact, I’d suggest talking to members of the Bureau of Land Management, State Senators from the area, as well as actually, you know, talking with people who live in the area.

    It helps to have family in law enforcement in the area.

  17. T says:

    “A fact for note: When the ‘Biscuit Fire’ happened near Cave Junction, Oregon a few years ago, there were millions of dollars worth of pot plants in the forests, and stoners would drive down US 199 in order to get a wiff of the smoke and all the beautiful chemicals in it. The Biscuit Fire was not the best event to happen to pot growers.”

    How exactly do you define “fact,” Miles? For someone who hates the Insurgent kids so much, your lines of logic are just as tangled as theirs.

  18. Miles says:

    And you, my friend, are a broken record. Get a better schtick.

  19. M says:

    “It is the truth, however. I know this due to the potheads that talk to me at Wayne Morse plaza at the old Lane County Courthouse,”

    I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again (and probably again): You are an idiot.

  20. Miles says:

    It is the truth, however. I know this due to the potheads that talk to me at Wayne Morse plaza at the old Lane County Courthouse,

  21. M says:

    “A fact for note: When the

  22. Miles says:

    Why do you think that environmentalists are so hell bent on keeping out loggers who want to do second-gen growth logging? It’s because of their pot stash, and where it’s hidden.

    A fact for note: When the “Biscuit Fire” happened near Cave Junction, Oregon a few years ago, there were millions of dollars worth of pot plants in the forests, and stoners would drive down US 199 in order to get a wiff of the smoke and all the beautiful chemicals in it. The Biscuit Fire was not the best event to happen to pot growers.

    It’s not necessarily a comment about pot growers, more than it is about radical environmentalists like those at the Student Insurgent who are willing to do anything to keep their grow stash…like kill Oregon’s logging industry. For those who smoke pot, you’re still alright. You generally get your stuff from reputable dealers, and not these wacko environmental assnuts.

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