Man Strikes Back Against Nature
Apparently, we are closer to science-fiction reality than any of us had realized. The Age of Chimera is upon us. The Island of Dr. Moreau might’ve been stupid twice, but I must say that I think this is incredibly cool. I see mainly the awesome implications for organ transplantations, but I’m sure the furry fetishists will love the more, shall we say, eccentric applications. Also, I appreciate that they had the good sense to name this technology after a strange mythical beast.
All I have to say to this is…SCIENCE!!
The line was “bred for their magical powers”, but it doesn’t matter because that movie sucked.
Per Napoleon Dynamite:
It’s a Liger. A cross between a lion and a tiger. It has magical powers. It’s my favorite animal.
I’m sure I’d have more siblings, zing!
Would it really be so terrible if your parents were rodents?
If you have an average intelligent human, combined with an average intelligent rabbit, then you either have an extreemly intelligent rabbit, or an incredibly stupid human. And while I advocate intelligent rodents, I ask: Is the cost of additional human morons too high?