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First American Apparel, Now GAP

Planning on walking near the Heart of CampusTM tomorrow? Curious as to what aborted fetuses look like? You’re in luck!

(Fair warning: pretty much every link in this post points to images which many may find highly disturbing)

On Wednesday and Thursday between 7:30 and 4:00 the Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) will be displaying images of aborted fetuses, lynchings, and holocaust victims, amongst other things. Their purpose is to equate the images and consequently point out the genocidal nature of legalized abortion. This assuredly will lead to much hand-wringing, yelling, and other unpleasantries. As one would expect, the Women’s Center will be protesting the event. (Which is unfortunate, since the Women’s Center is implicitly excluding pro-life women from its organization by taking an officially pro-choice stance.) It also means I’ll have to look at pictures of aborted fetuses, people hanging from trees, and holocaust victims every time I go to the EMU the next couple of days. Sigh.

I must say that I do have rather mixed views of GAP’s tactics:

On one hand, even if abortion is genocide, then there’s still no particular reason to directly equate it to the holocaust, lynchings of African-Americans, or other evils. Not to sound like a nitpicking relativist, but something can be unequivically bad without being the same as something else unequivocally bad. If abortion is evil, then can’t it be its own evil? Don’t images of aborted fetuses speak volumes on their own?

And even if an image speaks volumes one way or another, it’s oftentimes inappropriate to push it in unsuspecting people’s faces. There are numerous students who know what an aborted fetus looks like, have an ironclad point of view one way or the other on the issue, and just want to go to their classes without having to see such images again. A very good friend of mine had relatives murdered in the holocaust and purposely avoids viewing images of the atrocities. He isn’t ignorant and he isn’t avoiding reality– he’s seen plenty of images and depictions of that particular genocide. But he does want to go about his day without an emotional load to bear. In a similar vein, a fellow Commentator staffer was bothered by the full image of the last Insurgent issue’s cover that I put up on the blog– for day or two when he visited the blog he pretty much had to view an image that offended him.

On the other hand, the images are undoubtedly powerful. People oftentimes benefit from being confronted by images they find offensive or disturbing– it either strengthens or challenges their existing worldview. I can’t imagine a picture of a late-term abortion could possibly strengthen a pro-choicer’s or weaken a pro-lifer’s respective belief in the righteousness of legalized abortion. Similarly, I can’t imagine a picture of an airstrike victim could possibly strengthen a hawk’s or weaken a pacifist’s view of military intervention. (Of course, in both cases opposing images can be found to invert argument strengths, which is why sensible people generally argue with reason rather than emotion.)

Additionally, images of lynchings in the deep south and of the holocaust were extemely important in convincing people of the respective times that there were unbelievable evils being committed. If a person believes that abortion is an extreme evil, wouldn’t they be negligent to not attempt to confront people with images such as these?

Anyways, enough of me saying what everyone already knows. Tomorrow and Thursday could be interesting, to say the least. If you don’t want to see the images, walk another route or avert your eyes.

Oh, and there was a bit of controversy over whether or not the UO College Republicans were hosting the GAP. I talked with Chair Anthony Warren earlier tonight and he told me that someone from the CRs had indeed reserved the amphitheatre on behalf of the group but that otherwise there was no official connection or involvement on the part of the College Republicans.

  1. Michael G. says:

    The only “national, racial, political, or ethnic group” that abortion has a remote chance of destroying are pro-choicers. Since it’s voluntary and generally unplanned, it doesn’t really fit the genocide definition.

    If abortion was going to eliminate all of the blue-eyed people on the planet, it would be genocide.

    If abortion was going to eliminate all of the black people on the planet, it would be genocide.

    If abortion was going to eliminate all of the Americans from the planet, it would be genocide.

    If abortion was going to eliminate all of the Socialists from the planet, it would be genocide.

    Abortion isn’t systematic and planned. Clearly it isn’t going to accomplish any of the above. It’s a terrible thing, but it is not genocide.

    To use a metaphor: Imagine you have a forest not unlike those found outside of Eugene. Here is the difference between abortion and genocide.

    Abortion is when a big tree chokes out one of its seedlings. Could be any kind of tree that did it, of any size and any species.
    Genocide is when somebody or something goes into the forest with the intention of cutting down every single Douglas Fir they can find, for whatever reason.

    By the way, I’ve got an uncle who spent time as a prisoner in a concentration camp in World War II. He’s not a Jew, but he witnessed actual genocide up close while he was being held. Those of you who think abortion and genocide are pretty close to the same thing are completely clueless.

    Abortion is a terrible, terrible thing. I think just about anyone would prefer that abortions were a rare thing (even if legal).

    The practice of genocide is far worse. We’re talking about the systematic destruction of an entire race, culture, or ethicity. You can’t restore it, it’s gone for good. Once you do that, you end an entire branch of the development of humanity.

  2. Olly says:

    I don

  3. Philomena says:

    First, I want to approach the issue of “religious fanaticism” as the display was called. Religious fanatics are those that will run airplanes into buildings and kill thousands of innocent people, not those who peacefully express their opinion without any fabrication of the truth (like holding signs) to save millions of young innocents.

  4. Andy says:

    Wow, I just read both of your blathering. Look at you both – anyone who doesn’t find your pathetic display the work of a genius is an idiot who believes in propaganda. There is a lot worse shit happening in this world, and your refusal to acknowledge that is proof of your blind ignorance. Both of your arguments are immature and shallow.

    I’m sorry, you can never “use my keen mind” for anything Sarah. And you’re talking to a real leader, miss.

    You know what?? There is a middle road on abortion, and you know who’s on it?
    You’re cult leader darius forgot to mention that Bush won’t touch the issue with a cattle prod.

    The people whom you worship have been in power for the past 6 years in congress and the white house, yet they have completely refused to take ANY action on the subject. If I were you, I’d focus some heat their way.

    A civil war was fought to save Blacks from torture, murder, and slavery. If you equate abortion as equal or worse than slavery, where are your rifles girls?

    Both of your hypocrisies smells to the sky. If you learn anything from this experience, learn to not let your feelings blind your logic.

  5. Andy says:


    Thank you for coming to our meeting, and I hope you and your friend both come again. Let me tell you that I hate power, and I take pride in not abusing the power I do have. This is personal, and I hope you can see what my “friend” did to all of us in the CR’s. If you come to the CR meetings, hopefully I can impress you more. My motives are sound of the last time I checked, and my main goal is to preserve my, and my immediate families life first.

    “I would also like to stress the fact that when people who oppose us in general see the fractionalism within the group, it completely destroys our credibility.”

    This is the most dangerous line of thinking in the history of thought behind violating the natural rights of humans for some excuse. I implore you find the quoted sentence false.

    The only person who divided us was anthony. That is what the executive board thinks at least and many other members. I didn’t turn people away from you – your pictures did. I received some compliments from conservative students who disagreed with your approach also. About 15 CR’s worked hard earlier in the year to represent the pro-life argument to students, we just disagree with how you’re going that. What destroys the credibility of the club to its members is the chair-wimp conspiring behind the CR’s backs.

    You think that if there is disagreement in our club that it will tear us apart? I wouldn’t return to another meeting if there was no dissent. That’s what it means to be conservative – standing up for what’s right. anthony made me protest your vile display because he used the CR’s name to help you – which was wrong. Our club will prosper when that loser leaves.

    But thanks for questioning my loyalty to the CR’s considering I’ve been attending for the past two years, opened my house and wallet for multiple parties and BBQ’s, volunteered my time and ammo to teach new members to shoot, and was proud to say I was a college republican.

    Honestly, this is the sort of shit that makes me think about quiting. Fucking ignorance and blind stupidity wrought by neocon ideology.

  6. Philomena says:

    Honestly, ladies and gentlemen, we’re forgeting the real issue here. According the broad def. of genocide as stated above, that word could apply to any human group, and we all know that the unborn are still human. Abortion is simply age discrimination, we all know that, so relating it to genocide is not far fetched. Using that word does NOT demean the victims of geneocide at all, it brings into perspective what is really happening all over the world; they are NOT lies and fabrications. I don’t want to preach to the choir on abortion, but you all need to understand that issue is hot and cold, and what I mean by that is that there is no middle road. Being on the Pro-life end of the issue will be called fanatical wherever, I’ve experienced that personally my whole life.
    Those of you who said the group was too fanatical and the issue was approached in the wrong way, think of this: when Martin Luther King, Jr. wanted to push Civil Rights in the 60’s he put pictures of blacks beaten around the voting poles and took a lot of criticism for it, people told him it was too upsetting, and the issue should have been approached in a more acceptable-to-the-public manner. So are all of you simply afraid of criticism? I hear you talk loud in the meetings, but do actually do anything outside of them?

  7. Sarah says:

    “Genocide,” this word has risen in status this week to be the distinction between support or opposition to abortion…..One word. Wrods are used as propaganda in our media everyday, words such as “choice” and “right to die” have given pretty names to horrible things, but we know that those names are only superficial, and I should hope that everyone reading this blog should have enough brains to know what they really mean. Words are words, nothing else, so why is it that one word has divided a group that once had respect on this campus? The college Republicans, because of a few people who didn’t like the word “genocide” has lost its creditability on this campus. Anyone who truly opposes abortion, and honestly believes that a PERSON is being chemically and systematically slaughtered through abortion MUT aknowledge that abortion fits this description. The targetted group here is the unborn, and I honestly don’t know why this word has caused a change of beliefs and has caused the end of friendships. This word has been used in the honest pursuit of justice for ALL, and you have jeopordized all that it stood for, and by your opposition, have caused many people who could have been inspired by you, to turn the other way. We all have the power to change hearts and minds, but all that opposed G.A.P. lost their chance ont his campus. I talked to people out inthe hot sun for two days, and I can tell you now that this project has changed people for the better on this campus. I stood there with three other freshman, all alone, at one time against over 100 protestors, and I could have used your keen minds and compassionate hearts…..the babies who were aborted yesterday, and today and the next daym could have used your simple words of defense. Instead of unity against ABORTION, this campus, and the College Republicans, have been ripped apart by a word. I was once told that 80% of the word is followers, 10% thinks they’re leaders, and 10% really are leaders. When I went to my first C.R. meeting two weeks ago, I thought that everyone was a leader, but I was devastated to learn only one week later, that there were very few real leaders on this campus. Thank you Anthony

  8. Philomena says:

    Dear Andy,
    All that I can discern from the not-so-polite discorse on the blog site is that this has become a personal issue, and that is not the case. You’re right, I don’t know Anthony, but he isn’t the issue, the issue is the millions of innocent children that are dying at their mother’s consent! It seems like the real concerns that should be occupying our minds have been shifted to something extremely trival compared to the real issue, can’t you see that? Why can’t pride and power struggle be put aside? I have been to one meeting, and I remember you, you used the analogy of abortion for something else, and I was really impressed with you, but after I saw what you did you your friend and how you protested the demonstrations, I was sicked, honestly. You should really think about your motives, esp. as an advocate for life. What are you trying to accomplish?
    I would also like to stress the fact that when people who oppose us in general see the fractionalism within the group, it completely destroys our credibility. I and my cousin (Sarah) worked hard to represent the party and the Pro-life side, and you and the others standing there opposing us turned so many people away that could have had there minds changed. Remember, “divide and conquer,” and that is just what will happen if this goes on within the group; and I hope that this is NOT what you want.

  9. Joe says:

    Ditto the Anthony Warren = coward comment above. He is such a tool. Supports this event then trys to cover his butt and deny his support. Talk about weak.

  10. Andy says:

    Extremism on any issue is fanatical. Philomena and Sarah seem unable to understand my opinion that this isn’t the correct way to demonstrate pro-life views. I disagree with the way GAP presents it’s case, but I don’t disagree with them entirely because I do think abortion is murder. GAP, to me, is very juvenile and not very logical.

    You call your self pro-life, but would you support pictures of dead American soldiers if it helped to end the Iraq war so there wouldn’t be anymore dead soldiers?

    What about the hundreds of thousands of African adults and children dieing in Sudan, being tortured and murdered; do you think GAP is wrong using their resources to publicize abortion instead of that genocide?

    To both of you,
    I wish you knew anthony warren in real life because you’d know how much of a coward he is and how he wanted to suppress anyone knowing that the college republicans supported this event – he even posted that on the blog. I would recommend you look up to people who are not lying, cowardly snakes. I have never met someone who talks so big, but is a such a coward. He is the epitome of the scoundrel, dishonorable politician.

  11. Michael G. says:

    Philomena wrote “To anyone calling themselves Pro-Life who oppossed the Demostrations put on by GAP in the past two days, I recommend you seriously re-evaluate your conscience. How can you dare be in opposition to pictures and people and call yourself an advocate for life and spreading of truth if you

  12. Gabrielle says:

    I must first state that I am absolutely pro-life and while I find the pictures of abortions distastful, I also see the necessity of being “in-your-face” at times. The part that I object to is the hijacking of the english language for any cause.


  13. Timothy says:

    That’s an overly emotive way to look at the issue. The earliest a fetus has human brainwaves is in the neighborhood of four months, so if you’re legally dead when brain activity starts it makes at least some intuitive sense to draw the line for life at when brain activity starts. There are practical issues with this, obviously. Therefore, as a bit of a swag, you can probably call it the end of the first trimester.

    Now, being that a fetus can’t really survive on its own until about the end of the second trimester, I think that’s another reasonable place to say that it’s probably alive. As medical technology improves, that line will probably get closer and closer to the start of pregnancy. That presents other difficult ethical questions, I suppose, but that bridge can get crossed when we’re closer to it. At the moment, the end of the second trimerster seems like a good practical line for the moment.

  14. Meredith says:

    I’m not religious at all but I think that abortion is awful. I don’t wish to make it illegal but I’m not sure I’m right about that either. This is a very complicated issue.
    Everyone should witness a woman’s first ultraosund when pregnant. Believe me …we are talking about real life here !

  15. Shadow says:

    Where was I when this was going on?

  16. niedermeyer says:

    How dare good Republicans not let their party be hijacked by religous extremists? Oh, the irony of the “wedge isssue” backfire.

  17. Timothy says:

    Longer, more belabored sigh.

  18. Philomena says:

    To anyone calling themselves Pro-Life who oppossed the Demostrations put on by GAP in the past two days, I recommend you seriously re-evaluate your conscience. How can you dare be in opposition to pictures and people and call yourself an advocate for life and spreading of truth if you’re angry and against what caused so many people to think. Both days GAP was here I stood out there, a College Republican, for 2 hours Wed. and 3 hours on Thursday. I debated against whole groups and individuals. They were NOT the types of debates that start and end in yelling and misuderstanding, both women, men, and professors that I talked to were in general impressed that I, a minority on campus was actively out there willing to talk to people. I can say full heartedly as well, that some of the people I talked to walked away with a different, enlightened view. There was one man in particular who was so affected that I could tell that he was in the process of changing his opinion on abortion. I’m am very angry at all the College Republicans making generalizations towards people like me who suffer from the negative sterotypes that i’ve been giving be liberals all my life! YOU are just as cowardly as them to walk away and say that all those in support of GAP or who are affiliated with the group are fanatics. I was proud to see such a constroversial issue brought to life, because it has allready affected to many people for the better.
    To Anthony Warren, I am proud to know you, even though we have never met; to his so-called friends, I am sorrowfully disappointed in you and ashamed that you call yourself pro-life. What happened in the past two days was amazing, and I hope every year it can be reproduced. If anyone has any questions about the validity of what I personally experienced and what liberals said to me contact me, if you’re brave enough: [email protected]

  19. Sarah says:

    This message is to Andy, and to anyone else who opposes G.A.P.’s display. ANYONE who is pro-life, Christian, or who claims to upholds morals in any way should be in absolute and total support of G.A.P.. The biggest argument about abortion is that the “fetus” is not a baby, and this project’s goal is to show to the world that they truly are living people. This is an EDUCATIONAL group, and if you are opposed to educating this campus than don’t you dare call yourself pro-life. If no one had come out and shown pictures of the holocaust than no one would have known the truth! Martin Luther King Jr. used pictures of beaten blacks to show the tuth or racism, so I honestly don’t understand why you oppose showing the naked TRUTH about abortion. I also have to say that your behavior towards Anthony has been disgusting, and it goes against everything you claim to believe and uphold. Anthony has put himself on the line in order to do the RIGHT THING. G.A.P. has had amazing effects. I spoke to protesters for 3 hours yesterday, and I want you to know that this display has caused people to really evaluate what they believe, and to openly discuss it. G.A.P has done wonders ont his campus int he last 2 days, and I’m extremely proud that Anthony Warren worked on their belalf, and I want you to know that I’m ashamed of your behavior.

  20. Timothy says:

    I remember a couple of years ago the CRs had this quite fetching blonde, Shoseph and I had a class with her. Can’t remember her name now, started with an M…

  21. d says:

    In response to the comment that was never actually posted

    anthony is better looking than ben (dem co-chair), but not kristina (other dem co-chair, who’s equally important)

  22. Anthony says:

    I have/had cronies? Wow Im impressed with myself, I always wanted those.

  23. Another CR says:

    Its so bad now even Anthony’s own republican cronies hate him. Who doesn’t hate him? Despite coming accross as arrogant, I must say that is a good question.

  24. niedermeyer says:

    right, because its not like the OC is “the press” in any way… nor would it ever consider reporting on anything that might be bad for the CRs. Its ok Tony, no one is paying attention to the fiasco behind the curtain

  25. olly says:

    Anthony: “The reason why the majority of CR

  26. Timothy says:

    I’m not sure, maybe they needed a giant black pot.

  27. olly says:

    Ah, Jarrett. That reminds me: did the South ever get around to rising again? I kind of stopped paying attention.

  28. Timothy says:

    Gabrielle: Well, back when Jarrett was around…well, Jarrett was cool enough, it was McNeil who was a superdouche. That said there were reasons I never saw the CRs as the place to be. *cough*Austin*cough*

    Melissa: I’ve seen that noted before, pretty awful.

    niedermeyer: That’s long been a problem, not much to be done about it.

    Meghann: Hooray for butter.

  29. Gabrielle says:

    Hah, now I remember why I stopped attending CR meetings…

  30. niedermeyer says:

    I love this campus…

    a friend was counter-demonstrating against G.A.P. and as I stopped to say a sunny hello, she accuses “my friends” in the CRs of “bringing this travesty to our campus.” Apparently OC staff membership implies CR membership. Not a fun assumption to run up against.

  31. Andy says:

    Gee anthony, if everyone in the CRs supported it, then why wouldn’t they be there showing their support? Ohh, but they didn’t want to have the CR’s name associated with the display right?

    Our group and our interviews are doing the most to save the image of the college republicans. Maybe you didn’t get the e-mail from the womans center like I did saying that the college republicans were sponsoring it, but I sure do know that DPS was telling students it was sponsored by the CRs.

    You have no argument. You go from “it was supported” to well we want to keep our name away from it, to saying it’s wrong that I tell people that the CRs don’t support that display.

    Everyone on campus will sure as hell know now anthony, when all this could have could have been prevented by YOU! You are the responsible party for this disaster because you blatently hid it from the club. Four members have left in disgust, how many more will leave? And what will you say, screw them? That sounds just like you – burning every bridge you cross.

    What I meant to say is that you have pissed off everyone you have ever met in the state of Oregon. You’re a disgrace.

  32. Melissa says:

    Just as an aside:

    1) Those pictures? They aren’t abortions. They’re stillbirths and miscarriages.
    2) Regardless of what they are pictures of, they are being used without the patient’s consent.

    I’m not taking sides on the argument, but I am going to have to stand up to false pictorial displays and a blatant disrespect for medical privacy rights. Honestly, what mother would want the horror of having her stillbirth/miscarriage blown up and touted as an abomination? It just adds to the pain.

  33. Simg says:

    I was at the CR meeting and to say “after having discussion with most of the club, UO CRs do support the event” is pure distortion.

    The president-elect resigned because of this and the vice-president Shadow, only supported it because he didn

  34. Timothy says:

    Would you like butter on that?

  35. Meghann says:

    Well now this is an interesting debate now isn’t it.

    Excuse me while I grab some popcorn.

  36. Anthony says:

    Wow the ENITRE state? I didnt know I had that kind of range, I knew my 3 pointer had some deep range but not my ability to expell liquid waste. That has got to be some kind of Guiness record or something.

  37. Anthony says:

    The reason why the majority of CR’s weren’t there Andy is because we knew that the more CR’s that were there the more it would potentially be bad press for us. You being there only further added to potential bad press of the club and further put the CR’s right in the middle of this event, more so than if none of us had been there and it would have just slipped away into the back pages of the paper.

  38. Andy says:

    You’re correct in your assertions. I stood out there with a sign, which read that I was a college republican and I don’t support the display with 6 other CR’s. Of course anthony wasn’t showing his support for this, and none of the other college republicans who “supported” this event were there! The only college republicans out there today were the ones who OPPOSED this event!

    Even the CR’s who think I shouldn’t be out there said that they agree that they anthony was wrong. I think you have pissed on everyone in the entire state of oregon anthony. Good work.

  39. Anthony says:

    Ian I appreciate your vote of confidence in my character. Thanks man.

  40. Timothy says:

    Frankly, if a reservation is required for the amphitheatre, and the CRs (or their Dear Leader) made the reservation for GAP, I don’t think they’ve much to hide behind with “Well, we don’t really agree we just helped them put together their rally.” It smacks of the double-talk ANSWER used when folks pointed out they were backed/run by members of the Worker’s World Party.

    I think by agreeing to get the reservation for them, you agreed to put your neck out there for the inevitable response. Yeah, it’s only the appearance of impropriety, as such, but if you don’t endorse what they say it doesn’t seem that hard not to do them any favors. They could still stand on the sidewalks with their signs, as they’ve a right to peaceful assembly on public spaces.

    But, given this:

    Actually after having discussion with most of the club, UOCR

  41. d says:

    I don’t know Ian…
    Im kinda enjoying the comment war.

    The GAP thing is a joke and should be regarded as such. It is on the other hand a really effective way to get the sleepy apathetic liberals on campus to wake up and get more involved with PP and Students for Choice. I don’t really see how The G.A.P. project would change minds. It just falls into stereotypes people have about radical pro-lifers and hurts legitimate concerns surrounding the issue of abortion. I’m not trying to be confrontational either, if someone thinks that the G.A.P. project is an effective way to get people to change their minds I’d like to know why. So far its boosted Students for Choice and disrupted CRs.

  42. Ian says:

    Anthony is correct, he did indeed tell me that he had reserved the space for GAP. I used the word “someone” because when I talked to him I wasn’t taking notes or recording. When I wrote the post an hour or so later I used vague language because I was only 90% sure he had said it was him, not 100%. My apologies for the confusion.

    Anthony also categorically stated that the CRs have absolutely no involvement in the GAP’s activities other than that he reserved the space and time. So I don’t think he’s trying to misrepresent that at all.

    Also, I admittedly don’t know Anthony very well, but I wouldn’t say that “pussy” describes his character. And it’d probably be far more productive for the two of you to talk in person then argue over the Internet.

  43. The Dude says:

    “Who did this to you?”

    “The Chief of Police of Malibu. He’s a real reactionary”

  44. Anthony says:

    Dolberg I understand why you are mad, I tried talking to you about it last night, but I did nothing wrong other than what I already admitted to at the meeting. I dont understand your apparent hate and disgust for me just because of this one event. Dude you are making attacks that are way way out of line and not fair to me at all.

    Dude be the bigger man and stop with the unfounded assualts on my name.

  45. Andy says:

    Well I called you plenty of names last night such as liar, cheat, backstabber, bitch and whatever else that describes your behavior, in front of the entire club. I’ll call you out for who you really are whenever it comes up anthony, not just on the blog.

    The biggest lie you’ve told, even worse than, “ohh I forgot to tell the club that the GAP was coming in our name,” is that most of the club supports it. You’re nuts! Anyone who supports the GAP is nuts also, no matter if they call themselves CRs or not.

    It’s a fact that no one from the general club knew that this was coming in our name. It’s another fact that you tried to cover up GAP was coming also. Those are not in dispute.

    Just look at your post – you say two assertions and then the rest is just defending yourself from being oppressed by me. You really want to question my manhood anthony? Ha! You’re pathetic, and everyone who knows you knows it.

  46. Anthony says:

    Oh and yesh Tim it seems weird you would have to reserve a public space but the scheduling office requires it if it is an off campus group that has things set-up on the ground. Weird but sadly the rules I guess.

  47. Anthony says:

    Actually after having discussion with most of the club, UOCR’s do support the event Andy you are just too overly emotional and heated to see that since you spend too much time yelling at everyone else. Also I told Ian that I reserved last night when he called me, but I must say the slimy added to my name is a new one, never been called slimy before. Also thanks for the new nickname referring to the oppressing me one.

    Also obviously you are going to continue to call me names and what not, but that is fine, just be a real man about it and dont do it on a bog site Andy. Your allegations are false and out of line I thought you would be a bigger man than that to start slinging mud and accusations like that esp. when you dont have the whole story cause you wont ever listen to anyone else talk.

  48. Timothy says:

    You need to reserve the amphitheatre? It’s a public space, you can just hang out there all day if you want.

    The hell?

  49. Andy says:

    The slimy little shit anthony warren reserved it. What a pussy he wouldn’t tell you it was him. He didn’t tell any of the other CRs either, which undoubtedly will be connected to the event as it is “hosted by the CRs.” This even was held at Oregon State last week and the OSUCRs and they would have NOTHING to do with this event. warren went out of his way for weeks to deceive the UO College Republicans, whom most of us found out this event was happening in the past 48 hours. Unfortunately, anthony is too much of a pussy to say that it was his doing behind the backs of our general meetings. This issue was never even brought up, nor discussed with UOCRs, and the vast majority of the members disagree with the GAP, because they are fucking insane!

    Whomever reads this, please understand that most College Republicans DO NOT support this event and we are sickened that our chair lied to us so this could be held in our name.

    Now all this is on top of the fact that GAP is nuts. Is there any difference between this and the tactics of the insurgent? Both are using graphic pictures to illustrate their opinions, but at least the insurgent doesn’t put it up in the middle of campus. I think they are extremely juvenile and Oregon Right to Life and EVERY OTHER Republican group in the state will have NOTHING to do with these wackos. Only anthony “you’re oppressing me” warren is the only one with open arms to these people in the entire state of Oregon.

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