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Hamilton Appeals Removal

Former Senate President Sara Hamilton’s removal from Senate by the Constitution Court has been appealed in an 11 page document filed with the court on Wednesday. The appeal alleges a number of procedural violations by Con Court, including failure to provide Hamilton with a copy of the grievance, searching for violations not contained in the grievance, and engaging in ex parte contact with ASUO President Jared Axelrod. According to the Daily Emerald, Axelrod has confirmed that he spoke with Chief Justic Matt Greene about the grievance, but “could not recall if the conversation happened before or after the court had made a decision.”

It looks like the Con Court has finally been called out on it’s less than spectacular performance, and good riddance. The court’s decisions in matters of controversy this year have been timid, yet unintentionally (?) activist, and it warms the heart of this failed petitioner to see someone stick it to them. There are more questions for the court to answer, including whether or not former justice Jerome Roberts took part in decisions and/or received stipends while not a student at the University of Oregon.  What a pity that the ultimate arbiters of ASUO law have such a spotty track record this year… See Hamilton serve them up a tasty helping of smackdown here.

  1. Youngy says:

    You’ve got to be kidding me-it’s so trasnparently clear now!

  2. Michael says:

    Hear hear!
    Justice Greene is the festering corruption of the ASUO Court. Like the Cry-cry-bitch-moaners of the senate, who unfortunately weaseled their way into the Exec, the con court is a worthless body of students. Remove the chief justice… remove him now!

    And yes, his hair is as grungy as sasquatch’s greasy ass.

  3. Doomscheissah says:

    I laugh at what Ford said, because it has funny written all over it.

  4. Ford says:

    Greene is one of those amazing people who always needs a haircut and a shower.

  5. T says:

    It was painful. Clinton was shrill, Hussein Obama was woefully ineloquent, and Biden was probably drunk. Richardson came across the best. And then there was Gravel. Apparently the DNC is fielding its own joke candidate this year. He didn’t use the word douchebag, but he tore into everybody on stage with the frankness of a senile uncle who lost his meds.

    Politicians from Alaska are batshit crazy.

  6. Niedermeyer says:

    Oh, and thanks, T. As a good registered Republican, I haven’t seen the Defeatocrat debate yet… I look forward to it though.

  7. Yup says:

    yup he’s that guy. When asking Senate for a higher stipend, he also seemed to ignore the program rules that read something like “no program can be given a higher stipend than granted during their PFC hearing.” He told Hamilton during a private meeting that the Court wasn’t a program, to which Hamilton laid it down straight for him. A possible motivation?

  8. Niedermeyer says:

    Manfully admitted, sir. Could you shed any more light on the situation? Also, is the exec looking into claims that Roberts served on the court and received a stipend while he wasn’t a student?

  9. T says:

    This is slightly — ever so slightly — off topic, but after watching the first Democratic presidential debate last night, I have come to the conclusion that Ted is the Mike Gravel of the ASUO. This is a high compliment.

    Note: Is Matt Greene that strange looking, long-haired stringbean who came by Senate with his hand out begging for a higher stipend because, you know, Con Court justices work so fucking hard and never pull decisions out of their asses or anything? Is he that guy? Fuck that guy.

  10. Jared says:

    I sound like Alberto Gonzales.

  11. Abraxia says:

    Matt Greene needs to be tossed from his job. He’s a hack.

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