I-Fee Update
Here’s the Ol’ Dirty’s story on the proposed cut to the I-Fee. Notable for this quote:
While Senate opinions of the changes have been either undecided or positive, ASUO Senator Kate Jones doesn’t approve of the timing. When Dotters-Katz announced the changes at last week’s ASUO Senate meeting, Jones stated, “I’d like to see (the over-realized changes) happen next year. We allocated a lot of money at the beginning of the year, and we did so under the impression that there would be a large sum of money in the over-realized fund at the end of the year.”
Ah, the ol’ bait and switch. I find the proposed changes doubly enjoyable because Sen. Jones and the rest of the spend-happy crew on the Senate are getting hosed.
All I can say is…wow.
I heard that Schultz can fly, but he doesn’t want to show anybody because then they’d be all like, “Hey Sen. Schultz, can you fly down to the 7-11 and pick up some more beer?” And he’d be going “Ugh, jeez, I guess if you give me the money.” And they’d say, “Well, I’ve only got a 50 dollar bill.”
7-11 won’t even break that shit, man.
I hear that Schultz is planning to resign at Wednesday’s meeting.
I hear that David Griffin is drafting a grievance against Sam.
The Senate should be dissolved. It is a waste of money, time and space.
I want a resolution re-naming the ASUO SENATE, they should be called the incidental fee committee, because they dont do shit but special requests and riding special busses. The senate is a broken institution.
Sen Schultz is doing everything in his power to keep his power. Even though his power is a complete joke, and got elected unopposed, we should support this hero. He is willing to write a resolution if someone wants it, but he wont do it because it is right. I love my crappy officials who only do whats best for them, because they got picked on in high school. Jeez, I love Schultz, GRIFFIN SCHULTZ 09, because we never did anything better than make a dirty blackboard resolution.
The Bus project holds drinking events because a detailed policy discussion might reveal the politicians they constantly endorse are completely full of crap. Get people drunk and say vote for so and so about ten times and they might obey. Kind of like those incessant Eugene Weekly endorsements/marching orders. Eugene Weekly would have us believe Rob Handy is completely wonderful and that Bobby Green has been trying to destroy Lane County singlehandedly. They are totally full of it…..just like the Bus project. That is my view.
Nix – Shultz for ASUO Executive!!
Shultz kisses the program’s ass and Nix….well, you know what he does with it.
Senator Schultz,
Please make it more obvious you are running for ASUO President next year! You compliment every person who comes into senate as policy so that you look like their buddy. You bash Sam whenever it is popular. You are more phony then a 3 dollar bill. Its obvious you are setting yourself up as a programs lovin candidate, but you know that you don’t stand a chance against any legitimate contender. You are at best a Vice-Pres candidate if you can luckily leach your way onto a ticket.
When David Griffin is your stooge you know you are a joke among jesters!
Sen. Schultz,
The ASUO Senate should provide an economic stimulus package to student programs immediately. We are in a crisis and you are sitting on a huge surplus. Where is our money? I paid the incidental fee last year which means you should give programs at least few hundred thousand. At least! For how much longer will the Senate keep attacking programs? It’s not Joe the Plumber’s money, that’s for sure!
Senators promised my program over realized money and now it’s going to make my duckweb bill cheaper? That is not fair! Because if education is a right, education cannot be cheaper, because cheaper means more accessible, and more accessible is not fair! Other students should give up their money so I can have my conference with catering because we need to organize around important issues.
On second thought, I dont know what I want. I just need to complain, otherwise I wouldn’t know it was a Wednesday. Help us Senator Schultz, you’re our only hope.
Here we go with the grievances against the Executive. I didn’t think we would see those broken out till atleast benchmarks. Political weaponry at it’s finest.
That is incorrect. I would welcome any such bill or would be willing to co-author such a bill. However, it should be noted that Sam is acting within his legal authority to change the Clark Document independent of the Senate’s approval, at least in my opinion.
While I appreciate his coming to senate to discuss his proposal, I disagree with the decision. The I-fee should be lowered, but that decision should largely be made by the Senate because the legislative branch appropriates student funds. I am glad to have clarified this matter.
Also, I think that adequate funds should be left for groups that did not get approached earlier this fall. Because I am biased on this issue, I will not initiate authorship of this resolution unless other senators approach me.
Senator nick schultz is authoring a senate resolution in opposition to sam’s Clark document change.
LTD bought the Bus?
The Bus Project is a Democrat goon squad.
The bus project helps register people to vote. What’s the big deal?
Speaking of student fees look on the lower right hand side of today’s Emerald(printed version) for a interesting OSPIGG event. “Storm the dorms” for global whining tonight with the algorian disciples. Not since the Commentator article on invading the Insurgent office have I imagined a event of this magnitude. Oh yes, our beloved “Bus project” will be there too. If you have anyone you know in the dorms warn them to not answer their doors or their unholy carbon footprint may be measured.
Thanks for telling us how they didnt get anything done…
Sen. Lee Warnecke said the best thing for the over realized committee to do would be to not spend the money and instead put it toward lowering the incidental fee.
In the end, 13 senators voted to form the committee. Sen. Dan Feldman abstained and Senate Vice President Donnie Kim voted against it.
Senate President Athan Papailiou said he “would like to see the Student Senate determine an effective way that can prevent this continual over-taxation” of students.