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Sudsy Wants You to Join the Oregon Commentator


The votes are in, and the 2007/2008 ASUO Executive will be Emily McLain and San SunOwen. The pair won the election with 1897 votes, with voting rates down from last years high of nearly 20%. Sara Hamilton and Athan Papailiou came in second place, with 1752 votes. In a dramatic twist however, the Hamilton/Papailiou slate, Campaign For Change swept every other contested seat, giving them significant power in next years political fandango.

On an editorial note, The Commentator had endorsed Hamiilton and Papailiou, and most of their slate. I still see this as a victory for responsible government, because Emily McLain will be an excellent Executive because she’ll have responsible allies on the finance committees, who will be committed to spending every dollar responsibly. In any case, the elections are over, and thank whichever good lord you like for that.

  1. Michael G. says:

    That was only a suspicion? You still have much to learn.

  2. Jim says:

    The poor voter turnout seems to prove what I suspected about the ASUO. Few people know what they do, and fewer care.

  3. Anthony says:

    at least those racists from MECHA arent running the show anymore…

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