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Sudsy Wants You to Join the Oregon Commentator

Alright, children …

ASUO Sen. Nathan Perley came into the office complaining because people are writing comments on this blog using his name. If y’all want to trash talk anonymously and act like 5th graders, whatever. But sock-puppeting is actually kind of malicious, and if it keeps happening, I will bring down the hammer.

Seriously, this is why I burn with rage against the ASUO.

  1. Vincent says:

    Care to explain?

  2. Dark Matzo Tests says:

    As Bobby Jindal becomes the new leader of the GOP, we can count on DFC member Shiraz Bengali to become the future of the ASUO fiscal conservatives.

  3. Chris says:

    Nice touch.

  4. CJ Ciaramella says:

    I totally didn’t write this article!!! Wtf?!?

  5. Chris says:

    I was wondering when someone would get it.

  6. Betz says:

    “Preen Thy Anal” = Anagram(“Nathan Perley”) … clever. However, I prefer these ones instead:

    * Planetary Hen
    * Hyena Planter
    * Penal Near Thy


  7. Jane says:

    im talking about prescribed medicine

  8. Gsim says:

    False flag tactics in the student government. The UO is like a 3rd world country.

  9. john mccain says:


  10. Jane says:

    Perchance I simply do not understand the rules of your school’s organization, but does your student president have to disclose his health records? Drugs taken?

  11. Preen Thy Anal says:

    Is this too much?

  12. Vincent says:

    One IP already got banned for abuse yesterday, FYI.

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