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ASUO Senate Meeting Feb. 17, 2010 decided to shit-out on me ten minutes before the meeting, sorry to the fans of the Robert Greene Watch (he had Subway for Dinner). . It took 10 minutes after the meeting was scheduled to start before there was a quorum. The meeting barely held a quorum with Sen. Tiptino and Sen. Blanchard moving to and from the senate meeting and OSPIRG.

The AMA came back after being tabled last week, they were given $5,292 for the AMA national conference after a 10-1-1 vote.

D&B Consulting visited the ASUO. They are a national planning firm with a speciality in college facilities who are looking into the renovation of the EMU. There is strong support from the administration and student groups for renovation. The consult process does not ensure a that the EMU will be renovated soon. It is not determined yet whether or not the EMU will be gutted or completely rebuilt.

D&B wants to send out a survey to everyone that has a email address to fill it out. They said they expect “thousands upon thousands” of surveys filled out. D&B put a lot of emphasis on the survey, calling it “one of the most important parts of the process.”   They will present their concepts to the students in the fall of next year.

ASUO presented their feelings towards the upcoming renovations to the EMU, Sen. Bocchicchio stated that he wants the size of the student unions to become larger so that they can have room to grow. If you haven’t seen the state of the student unions, the are crammed in a small hallway in the basement of the EMU, some barely have natural lighting. Sen. Weintraub stated that the ASUO office was “vastly under-spaced,” after complaining about rooms with no amount of natural light.

Sen. Gower made the point that accessibility is one of the major flaws in the EMU. The EMU is pretty much a maze, you would not be surprised to find out how hard it is for people to find our office. He also stated that he strongly believes the EMU needs more revenue generating space.

D&B feels it is possible to expand the EMU more upwards than outwards, so they will not have to build on the foliage of the EMU

A Big tip of the hat to both Sen. Tiptino and Sen. Libadisos, both made small suggestions to have a bar in the EMU.

Lilliana Villanueva was selected to Senate Seat 5. She was described by ASUO president Kallaway as “fiery.” She was included on the ASUO website before she was confirmed. She was approved 14-0-3. Well now Tomchak came and fixed everything so switching to I take back everything I said about them.

  1. Lyzi says:


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