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This is an exploding offer

The UO Emergency Alert system sent out this email at 12:06pm today:

The University of Oregon received a threat against the Knight Library and the Lillis Business Complex warning that an explosive device was set to detonate early Wednesday morning, Nov. 24, 2010.  UO Department of Public Safety staff conducted searches of both buildings and found nothing suspicious.

Out of an abundance of caution, the Knight Library and Lillis Business Complex will be closed at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday evening to allow another sweep by law enforcement officials.  The buildings will remain closed until Wednesday morning.

Excellent. Let’s hope the potential bomber is as truthful as he is disgruntled.

  1. Betz says:

    I assume that last sentence was not part of the message …

    This is actually really good to see the UO take on an active role in their threat/alert notification system to get the word out to students and faculty in the event of an actual emergency. I used to work as a web-app developer at the UO housing … when I was hired, it was shortly after the Virginia Tech shooting incident, and implementing some kind of emergency notification system was top priority in the office. Although I only made it as far as implementing something that delivered notices to the main web page, this whole site, email, and phone directory system is way more advanced (and better) than I could have dreamed of.

    Go US!

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