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ASUO President Yanked From Office

ASUO president Laura Hinman has been removed from office for nonfullfilment. To be candid, the reasons behind the removal are disappointing, considering the bar set by ASUO scandals in recent years.

The UO Constitutional Court ruled in favor of a grievance filed against Hinman, stating that she failed to appoint an elections board by a specified deadline. The ruling can be seen here. The grievance was filed by Joanna Stewart, manager for the notorious Katie Taylor and Alex Sylvester campaign.

Vice President Nick McCain will take over the position, though a petition to reinstate Hinman began shortly after the court decision.

The ASUO executive has not yet made a statement on the matter.

The Con Court doesn’t look anything like this…why?

Edit (2/18/13): An update on this issue can be seen here.

  1. Derp says:

    Well, that escalated quickly.

  2. Angry Dad says:

    Jimbo: I pray that one day, just one day when you’re working, you get called into the office for doing your job and get fired. And, after having that happen, get denied unemployment.

    Then you’ll look back on your comment and realize: “Gee, what a fucking jackass I am. Time to kill myself”. Then you’ll shoot yourself. And the rest of the world shall rejoice.

  3. student rep says:

    if you think it is an absolute joke, maybe you should inspire some current UO students to change the asuo constitution. It may be a silly rule, but alas, it is a rule in the asuo constitution that Pres. Hinman didn’t follow. Jimbo has it right, no matter how arbitrary the rule may seem, Pres. Hinman had notice of the deadline and chose not to appoint elections board chair a members within the time frame. While it may seem silly, the Con Court ruling is legit.

  4. Muaha says:

    I think football players need a Con Court.

  5. Johnny Delashaw says:

    Football players commit felony larceny, choke their girlfriends, and beat up women in the street… They get minor suspensions from playing in football games… This girl doesn’t hire four students to the elections board (worst student job on campus ever) until a couple weeks after a trivial deadline and is removed from office. What an absolute joke.

  6. Jackson says:

    It is apparent now, more than ever before, that the corruption from the Jared Axelrod administrationis back, alive and well.

  7. Jimbo says:

    Laura had 160 days from the day she became ASUO President (May 25, 2012) and the deadline (November 1, 2012) to appoint an Elections Board Chair and Board Members.

    160. That’s over 5 months.

    There were also 16 Senate meetings between when she took office and the deadline. So she had 160 days to appoint an Elections Board Chair and Board Members, and 16 opportunities to get them confirmed by Senate.

    But she didn’t do this, and didn’t explain why it took her so long, and why it took until the end of October/mid-November to make the appointments. Had she simply done her job earlier, and not waited until the last minute, there wouldn’t have been an issue over the minutiae of timing.

    This is why she deserved to be removed from office. Failure to follow the basic rules for the office which you hold deserves dismissal. The Court got this one right.

  8. Angry Dad says:

    I hope someone punches Joanna in the face. Fucking Communist asshole.

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